Thereafter, we went for this ride called. SPIDERMAN. haha. its damn cool also. you sit in this car thingy and you get swirled around and enjoy the graphics and effects. Like, theres this point when some bad guy swish fire thingy came to us and sprayed fire to us. really felt the fire effect. as in you felt the heat. and they really used fire! but it was some place much further from us laa. then at the last part. you let the graphics whisk you away. haha. its like the car is falling falling down the building, and theres this wind effect. oh gosh. haha. my 2nd most favourite ride.=). woa. but 1 thing is that 1 ride 1 hour- 2 hours of queue. damn long. ahah.
we then sat back to the future. something like spiderman but spiderman was better. haha.
At the last part of the day, we were left to choose btw Snoopy and jurrasic park. the girls all wanted snoopy. haha. only wee shan and I wanted jurrasic park.(its like, water log ride. haha. where the last part is this 25.9m drop). haha, But oh well, after some time, we went to snoopy. OF WHICH THERE WERE SOOO MANY THINGS. haha. we sat the rollercoaster there, but it was not as scary as holly wood dream.=)

oh yeah, wanna comment something here. haha. look at me with the sitting on teachers desk thing. do I look like a teacher? oh gosh. haha. wo der zhi yuan. =). but oh well. haha. the shot below(jingjing and I) haha, its like jing jing posed being sian, so its like i said wait! then i pretended to be the teacher and acted like i was scolding her. haha. =).

at the snoopy shot, i took a picture with jolene! XD. snowball!=))))). haha. reminds me of my sister. haha. oh well. jolene is a very very nice person=). haa.
when we had to leave that day, everyone was kindda reluctant. but oh well. we had dinner at some chinese restaurant nearby. haha. theres this very very interesting toilet urinal at the guys toilet that moves and sings as you pee. haha. can go tommy's blog or gino's blog to see. haha. but i didnt pee into it laa. haha. =).
zomg. KONKO IS LIKE DAMNNN AMAZING. haha. i kindda enjoyed konko more than koyodai. cos, haha. we had sectionals with them. and spent a longer time there to get to know them. kindda changed my accent when i talke to them. haha. but that day, i guess, mmm. i think it was kindda better for me. cos my lips were still in a cracked state, but it was MUCH better. haha. And surpirsingly that day for die flemmadaus, managed to pitch the high high Cs and B flats. =). flute playing was okay. but i wouldnt say it was good. cant remember exactly. but i think i kindda ruined some parts of the playing as well. sighs. oh well. yeah. but the exchange was so fun. we played arsernal for the exchange piece. haha. and we exchanged our ties with themmm. OH GOSHHH. haha. so damn cooollll!=)))). haha. they look GREAT with our ties laa. haha. the pictures are still with Cheryl, but she hasnt sent me yet. guess i'll have to wait. haha. oh yeah, and then oh gosh! they sing during their sectionals. uber cool. like all the rest parts, they sing the melody. sooo coool~. haha. then its like, they were so in tune. thats like so cool. they played a satoshi piece for us too=). satoshi pieces rocks my socks mann. haha=)
after that, we had shopping at this place called shushibashi. haha. I went with audrey, xinjun and kejian. haha. there was a Yamaha there, no wait. 2 yamahas there. AND ITS LIKE SO FREAGIN COOL~~. you guys should have seen man. that place was FANTASTIC. haha. 3 stories, intruments, and ALL SORTS OF SCORES. BAND SCORES, ENSEMBLE SCORES. WHATEVER YOU NAME IT. i spent ALOT of time theere looking at scores with kj. haha. kindda cool. oh man. that reminded me of a situation. that is like, ....
kj: hey, take a look at this score
jerm: omg! so cool! its bach!(of which bach, I prounounced it as batch, bash, something liddat)
then he started laughing. =.=. okay. nvm. haha.
chopin, i pronounced it as, chor-pin? when it was supposed to be, CHOR- PARN.
and malher(this in the case for xinyun), MAL-HER, when it was supposed to be pronounced as MAR-LER.
oh goshhh. horrible man. my pronounciations. oh well. haha. walked aruond the place with xinjun, audrey and kj. shopped for stuff, etc. haha, got closer to xinjun and audrey too i guess. haha. xinjun can talk one! haha. oh gosh. its so freagin cool. kj bought himself an addidas shirt. at that time at shunshibashi, haha, i thought i had no more money left with me already at the end of the day, when i still had some, of which i hid it in my luggage. arghhh. if i would have brought it with me, i could have spent on some stuff? I dunno. haha. but yeah, that place is UBER COOL. we had dinner that night, where 8 of us, 2 stoves thingy. haha. rachel, cheryl, may, kj, me, wei xiong, jing jing. haha. yeah. and i cant remember who else, had a very very nice dinner that night. its so warm, though we got burnt sometimes from cooking, had a great night that night. haha. =). and i somehow also talked to wei xiong a lot that night also. haha. damn funny senior. haha. alot of lame stuff=). [BEING LAME IS COOL KAY.] haha. okay okay. haha and yeah, crapped alot on the way back also. haha. like rachels hong kong accent, etc. =). conversations btw everyone telling jokes was pretty interesting as well. =).
sunday-last day of japan.
packed up. damn sad to leave though. am glad to be going home cos home sick, but am sad to leave cos of ALOT ALOT of reasons of which i wont list out. oh man. i miss the schools, universal studios and yamaha. =((. oh well. before we left, we went shopping at factory outlet. haha. as i said, my money was in the luggage and i thought i didnt had any left. haha. over there okay laa, didnt fancy anything much. but it's a girl haven mann. haha. its like clothes, shoes and stuff. uber cool! spent the time there with Tommy and kj. haha. had a great time there too yeah. haha.
damn interesting. haha. had a nice lunch there too yeah=). then we headed to airport, checked in, bla bla. then 7 hour flight home. haha. i sat with xinjun and jeryl. haha. crapped a bit, watch tv, slept. haha. but the first flight was better. haha. =). oh well. and then reached singapore, reached home and slept.
i miss osaka.):. but i love home too. :). contradicting yeah? haha. and so, that concludes this long long post.=)