weather: cloudy
13th april 2008
music: eiger- a journey to the summit- mbs choice piece syf 08'
section pictures taken during mondaywhat can i say about all these pictures? 1 word. perfect. these pictures are like, the most nicest pictures I've seen in a really really long time. sighs. breathtaking i would say. haha. oh yeah. and these pictures were like taken, when i ponned 40 mins of PW/MATH lesson. which is great. cos apprarently, i don't really like my math/pw tutor. haha. oh well. let the pictures take you guys away baa. and the best picture of course, i saved it for the last, you guys look all the way downnnnn. the very very last picture. that is the best picture of all. everyone close, smiling, and what can i say? perfect.

oh yeah cheryl, haha, i kindda didnt post up the picture with andy looking blur up yeah. haha, cos he wanted me to delete the picture. =). I will send it to your email if you really want it yeah, just drop me msn offline msg..
as li hong toshikasa said to me, a section should be xiang qin xiang ai, i guess if quarrels occur once in a while, it would be all right. but once everyone cools down, i guess that we'll just have to clear it up. as i really really hope, things will get back to normal asap. and i just have this feeling that, it will over pretty soon. =).