weather: rainyyy
1st June 2008
music: can't take my eyes of you for flute solo and band.
woa. tough piece ehh. (refers to music) saw the score. thanks jun. haha. died-ed. today, I slacked the whole day away. haha. yeah. sinful sinful. haha. spent a few hours on flute. haha. apparently. Im happy. cos i know what's wrong. finally. haha. shall work on it mans. It's articulation that's the big prob now and embrochure! haha. yeah. slowly realised it's that today whilst working on the new flute book thingy dion got.(:.haha. woots~ and yeahh. guess i've got a year till syf to work on it. haha. so happy. cos arhh. in hsc, i've been tongueing mostly with lalala and using mainly air. so right, haha. i mean, yeah, in tj, im starting to really use the tongue. haha. goshh! and woa. it's going to be hard.but at least i figured it out. haha. shall now take flute as a reward, so like after every study session would be fluting! starting from morrow onwards,(:. I shall create a nice plan to study morrow. haha. yes yes yes. that's what i shall do.
goshh. energy level nowadays is depleting like crazy. at most, can just sit there for an hour or two and be distracted for like the rest of the dayy.. mmm. i've gotta keep that enthusiasm going manzz. haha. oh goshh. bio test, yeah. yesterday, gotback the test, got pretty upset. 21/38, when i promised that i study hard. actually, yeah, i did study. but i guess hard isnt hard enough. mmm. Since i broke the promise here, i guess, i will have to promise it back in jct. go jerms!
okayy. so flute covered, studies covered. mmm. went back haising the other day. haha. goshh. I miss the flutes there. and i had fun with li hong toshikasa duetting. haha. and amazingly, that day, my sound was nice. I miss that shuang sound. haha. (aiya, partly cos we're playing in the echo-y, place outside the band room in the basement). haha. but, other than that, haha. even in echo-y places, already can hear out whether i am using support not, and that day i am. haha. gosh arhhh! so funn.
haha. okayy! pww. gosh arhh. mr kao! i wann our gpp back manzz. haha. faster. lets see what's wrongg. we don't have much time left anw lers. haha. and i seriously can't wait for the next meeting. seeing my dear group putting in so much effot into this thing. haha. like ky worrying abuot the pilot test so much, and like, lihui also. haha. and shing jiuan also asking what she has to do and such. haah. sometimes, im feeling guilty for not being able to spare time. haha. goshh. faster manzz.
haha. and oh well! im starting to fall in love with math again. haha. and all my other subjects. haha. sometimes, i just need to think manz. whenever i feel down. I just need to think.
well, at least, im worrying over problems such as studying as such. and not worrying for my survival. I have a great family, i have great friends, I have a great pdp, and I have great teachers(erm, yeah, almost all). and like, yeahh. what more is there to ask for manzz. haha. and i can even like right now at this time use computer to like do stuff, when other ppl can't even get to study. haha. sometimes, I just gotta learn to treasure the stuff around me more manzz.
haha. okay. anyway, shall say something damn gay. haha. i translated one whole chunk of chinese text to english. hahaha. thought i would post it up here for you guys to view it. hahaha..
On earth, there are 2 kinds of feelings known as “like” and “love”
When you love a person, in your eyes there’s only him/her; and everything that you see contains his shadows.
When you like a person, is when reading a book late at night, you suddenly think of him/her, thinking of what he’s doing, and there’s a tinge of warmth in your heart, but you will never phone him/her. A few minutes later, your attention will be zoomed back to the romantic love story in your book
When you love someone, is during that lonely night, you will cry as you think of him/her, anything you read will not go into your brain, and you sulk over why he/she can’t come home earlier, you don’t feel like eating your dinner and you miss him/her like crazy
Like means, when you quarrel with him/her, you will quarrel till your face turns red, and not give way to the other party; in front of him/her you are like a porcupine who never ever admits that you lose, but in your heart, you admire the other party’s talent.
Love is hoping that you and the other party will give way to each other, working together with your heart in order to do so. If he/she should unintentionally say a sentence/joke that hurts you, you will become really depressed until you can cry.
Like is when you go on a holiday, you sms the other party that the weather here is good and such, off your phone then go crazy over the holiday. When you come back looking like some black Mongolian, the first thing you will do is to go to his/her house to scare him/her.
Love is no matter where you go, you hope that the other party will be by your side, You will call him when you’re at the beach during the holiday, letting him/her hear the sounds of the waves, and when you’re on the street shopping and see a shadow that looks like him/her you will stand there and not move.
Like is when the other party leaves for a trip, you will say a simple “take care, bon voyage” and watch him leave, and your heart feels empty.
Love is when the other party leaves for a trip, You will nag like crazy, and stuff clothing and food into his bag, and make sure you wait till the train is here and he leaves with it before you leave. Everyday you feel so worried and pray that he/she will come back safely.
Like is when you get hurt, You will not let him/her see your weaker side, and wipe your tears away. And in front of him/her you will act strong and happy.
Love is when you feel hurt, you will want to lie on his chest and cry, and won’t act strong, you will tell all your troubles to the other party and hope from that hug that you will get comforted.
Like is when during weekends, you go shopping with him/her. When you’re tired, you guys go for a KFC meal, when it’s winter, you and him will fight(in a fun sense) over a cup of warm coffee. When you walk with him/her on the street, you will keep a slight distance and when you play computer games with him/her, you two will play like as though you 2 are kindergarten kids.
Love is during the weekend, you will watch him/her eating the dish that you’ve prepared for half a day, during a cold winter season, you give him/her a glass of warm coffee and keep on adding warm water to it to keep it warm, When you walk with him/her on the street, you will hold his/her hands tightly, and you will sit there quietly watching him/her concentrating typing his/her assignment on the computer.
Like is hearing all his/her childhood stories, and hahaha over it, and you feel somewhat touched.
Love is when you hear his/her childhood stories, you will smile, and reflect about how cool/funny that this person you know is actually a cheeky little kid when he/she was young.
Like is when you see him/her on the stairs, you will happily say HI! To him, and then ask a few sentences of whether he’s fine and enjoy the sunlight that is streaming through the windows.
Love is when you see him/her on the stairs, you will be like as though like, “I don’t really care”. But in your heart, you are actually enjoying the aura and the air around you, and when he/she walks past, you can’t help be but to turn around and look at him/her.
Like is when you see him/her holding hands with another person, you will feel heartache, but the feeling will last short.
Love is a game that you will never lose, it’s like when you have given it all, but it still doesn’t work, a deep scar will embed into your heart.
Like is a feeling that you can like everyone else just like how you can like him/her.
love means then you can't leave him, but you can't wait to give him up, cos you want him to be happy, of which you dont feel that you can give, you dont dare to be ba dao to him, cos you want to see him to be happy, even if that happiness can't be shared with you.
Like is, when you’re lonely, bored or hurt, you will find the person to talk.
Love is no matter what moments, you will share with him/her, and when you are talking about happy stuff, you hope to actually spread this happiness and make him/her smile.
Like is, when you didn’t talk for a really long time, and he/she suddenly calls, you will be smiling whilst talking to him.
Love is, when you didn’t talk to him for a few days, you will be damn panicky until you can’t stand it and call him/her. You will hold your tears and smile.
Like is, when you’re alone, when you’re with him/her then you will think of him/her.
Love is, no matter where you are, you will think of him/her no matter what.
Like is, when you have lots of friends, you will be happy.
Love is, when there is 1 more person around, you will miss the er ren shi jie.
When you like someone, it feels sweet. When you love someone, it feels kindda bitter.(in a sense that you have to work quite hard for his/her trust, etc).
Like is, when you’re with him/her, you will feel happy.
Love is, when you’re with him/her, you will feel somewhat lost.
When you like someone, you won’t think of the future for 2 of you
When you love someone, you will always dream about what the future holds for both of you.
When you like someone, you will always be happy around the person.
When you love someone, it is always about tears.
When you like someone, when you haven’t met for a really long time, you will suddenly think of him.
When you love someone, and you haven’t met for a realy really long time, you will think of him/her everyday.
Like someone, when you think of him/her, you will smile
Love someone, is when you think of him/her, you feel like stoning.
Like someone, is when he/she has a child, you will love it for sure
Love someone, is out of the blue, you will suddenly be curious and ask, wonder how our child will look like next time. Hmm.
Like is hope that everyone is happy.
Love is hope that he/she will be much more happier than everyone else.
Like a person, a day spent will be enough
Love is, you hope that it will be forever.
Like is, you will see all his good points
Love is, you will say out all his bad points to him and hopes that he will improve and become a better person
When you stand infront of a person you love, you heartbeat will accelerate like a million times, but when you stand infront of a person you like, you will feel very happy.
When you talk to a person you love, you will have to think carefully before you say stuff.
When you’re with a person you like, you can do whatever you want.
When the person that you love cry, you will cry with him/her too.
When the person that you like cry, you will use tactics to comfort him/her.
When you don’t like a person, you will wanna like cover your ears and stuff.
Like is a xin qing
Love is a gan qing
Like is a zhi jue
Love is a gan jue
Like can stop
Love has no rest
Like someone is specially natural.(zi ran)
Love someone is specially happy?(dan ran)
Like someone, is longing to be with him/her
Love someone is sometimes being scared to being together(scared that it might fail, etc)
Like is never ever stop fighting with the other party
Love is never ever stop giving to the other party
Like is hoping that the other party will whenever he can find you
Love is hoping that you can find him whenever you want to
Liking someone is always smiling for him/her
Loving someone is always crying for him/her
Like is like, that simple
Love is love, that complicated.
Liking you, doesn’t mean that I love you
Loving you, means that I like you a lot
Actually, love and like are just a step away from each otherBut it all depends on whether you wanna step the path of love or like.
haha. zomgg. can't believe it right. hahahaahh. it's really nice laa. haha. but the chinese version the words are better i guess, hahahaha. okayy.
sighs. lately, i've been sleeping real late! haha. gotta catch on some zeez manz. haha. oh well. catch you guys some other time! haha. may not be on the com so often lers. have to study. haha.
anyway, zomg. next week. sighs. okay. nvm. haha. but section outing is after jcts!i can't wait manzz. haha. I mean like, the planning has started alreadyy. mmm! jian plan up my sleve. hahaha. hohoho! zomgg. I feel horrendously evil. haha. okay okay. nvmnvm. see how laa hurr. haha. can't wait for jct to end. =). oh well! meanwhile, i'd better study hard.
jiayou everyone yeahh.
lets hope this fever cools down. =/
weather: fine. windy
30th May 2008
Music: mozart oboe concerto.
sighs. Today, somehow, am just feeling uber depressed.=/. many things manz today. from can't do a simple math question to sounding damn sucky on a flute. =/. I can't even do things right laa. and just now, nai just called. asking us whether we are going down to her house mororw. I havent' seen her for weeks already.and she also just said that i didnt go down to her house for a very long time already. sighs. feeling uber guilty manzz. I mean, in jc, i told myself that i would treasure my grandparents even more after ye's passing. but. mmm. i havent seen ah ma and ah gong for an even longer time. im feeling damn guilty man. and like right now, studies and fluting sucks. everything sucks. and the worst part is, right now, when i need the freaking energy to do everything, im feeling damn uber tired.I don't know how much longer i can hold out manz. and the worst part is jcts are coming. this is damn uber bad. sighs. aiya. die already laa. i think, yeah, should start organizing my stuff properly,.and like. erm. like, yeah, going to prac flute later laa. let's see what i can do laa hur. sighs. but one thing's for sure is that morrow, and the day after, ah ma ah gong's house and nai's house, here i come! Okay, you know what, on second thought, haha. lets just face everything with a smile! (:
okay. haha. anyway, came across this quiz from xinyun. haha. woa. i havent did a quiz for an uber long time too. haha. I shall do one before i go.=). thanks for it yeah=/
A) People who’ve been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.
Continue this game by sending it to other people.
#1 If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
mmm. haha. i guess, i'll feel really hurt? and like harp over it for like days. then thereafter, i'll go make sure she'll regret her actions. haha. but then again, I'll make sure i choose my lover properly!
#2 If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
that would be, to manage everything properly in my life well? When like currently everything is sucking quite bad? sighs. yeahh. haha
#3 What will your dream wedding be like?
haha. GRAND~ haha. with a flute choir playing! as in as big as the tashin university flute choir those sort! zomgg. damn cool! haha. hear them play the wedding march! zomgg. haha.
#4 If you could wish for anything in the world, what would it be?
haha. I'll wish for a million more wishes so that i can make them whenever i want. but. haha. if i can wish for anything, I somehow wish that i can manage my studies better, and improve my flute playing skills by like amillion times and hope that i have time for everything else that i wanna do like visit my ah ma and nai.=/, and the last but not least, that would be. erm. her.
#5 What’s your ideal lover like?
haha. i guess, a girl who is like, erm! haha. smile a lot all day long? then like, lame/make ppl laugh loads? haha. yeah. and like, simple! yeah. i do like it simple though I like complicated stuff! and like, yeahh. haha. must love me for who I am. haha. aiya. her laa. =).
#6 Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
being loved by someone- but if it goes both ways, then i guess…its awesome.(haha. xy, I just leave your answer here laa. hur. haha.)
#7 If you’d chose between marrying someone you really love but doesnt like you, versus someone who loves you but you dont like, what would it be?
haha. i guess I will marry the one who loves me but I dont like. haha it didnt say i dont love right! i mean. haha. aiya. who will like a big fat idiot who is good at nothing like me. haha. i mean. yeahh. I guess with time, I can fall in love with her too.=). haha. I meann. haha. yeahh. gan qing is can pei yang one. but then. haha. i mean. if i can marry someone i like and she loves me back. it would be uber awesome.(:. haha.
#8 If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
haha. guess i'll have to give up then! i mean, yeahh, it would hurt laa. but, haha. it's the only way right! i mean. haha there're so much more choices out there.=).
#9 Is there anything that’s made you unhappy these days?
jcts, me sucking at everything.haha. basically that sums up everything laa. maybe im expecting too much outta myself=/.
#10 Would you like to be attached?
yes please. haha.
#11 How so you see yourself in 10 years time?
Possibly, just married, or engaged. (: (same as xy.)
becoming an awesome teacher in school whose lessons are not horrible like _ _ _ and like, everyone looks forward too? and become an awesome flute player in philharmonic wind orchestra!
#12 Who are currently the most important people to you?
My family.(:, TJCSB flute section!, j1 band clan(especialy props!), 22/08-ians! and group 105.
#13 What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
haha. an awesome section mate(:. haha. and a really cool and great friend lahh. haha. and always there for me whenever i need her.(:
#14 Would you rather be single&rich or married but poor?
Can i say married and rich?. haha(xy, haha, yes, I agree with you, i'd rather be married and rich!). haha. but then again, i mean, i wouldnt mind both options laa. haa. lazy to weigh the pro and cons
#15 What’s the first thing you do every morning?
haha.very boring laa. haha. dread waking up in the morning. and like heading for a shower thereafter. haha. but then again, i would want that dream to come true yeah. that room that i've dreamt of, that red and white coloured bed sheet, and getting to see her every morning. :). hmm. haha. oei oei. dont think so much.
#16 Would you give all in a relationship?
yes. lol. haha. yeah. if not what for get into one manzz?
#17 If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
haha. I think if somebody would love/like like me for me, it's already good enough already. haha. it would be guai laa, to fall in love with 2 ppl at one go. haha. I make sure i choose my options carefully.
#18 What type of friends do you like?
kind, crappy, hilarious friends that i can talk to, and also those really close ones that can hang out all the time and crap and confide in. (haha. xy, yeah, sorry arhh! haha. copy so much!)
#19 What type of friends do you dislike?
i guess, those that don't respect me for me?haha. yeah.
#20 Do you think this quiz is a waste of time?
haha. nope.definitely(:
Who else must do this quiz? [waa. xy. hahaha. gosh arhh! so hard to choose.]
1. my angel! (cheryl(:) [haha, this is from your mortal yeah!]
2.Meimei! (michelle(:). haha.
3.wei siong! hahaha.
4. huda! omgg. i havent talk to you for a really really long time! hope life is going good there!
5.huiqin toshikasa(:
6.manning toshikasa(:
8. haha. wei neng!(:
haha. aiya, but whoever wanna do this quiz then do laa. there's no stopping you.(:. okay. im off. cya.
weather: sunny~
24th May 2008
music: friends.
hahaha. zomgg. this blog arhh. haha. i guess i can't update everyday laa. haha. nvm. shall just post up on the highlights of the week.(:
1st event/highlight: Chloe's bdayy-
haha. woosh. that day was sweet. damn sweet mann.the day started with swimming. haha. goshh. timing was taken. haha. manzz. im happy laa. haha. managed to keep my standard at goldstar standard. haha. with a timing of 2 min 22 secs for 2 laps. goshh. standard dropped laa. haha. used to swim like abuot 2 mins there. hahaa. but oh well! anyway, i havent went for swimming for 2-3 weeks lers. haha. so yeahhh! it's kindda cool laa. haha. bronze cross and AM. holiday. goshh arhh. stress. nvmm. so close. to that life guard post. hahaha. AND WHEN I BECOME LIFE GUARD during the holidayss. zomgg. SO FUNNN. can like sit there kiao ka, blow whistle ask this person stop this stop that. haha. then earn moneyy~ hahaha. but aiya, what's the use. when something really happens arhh. haha. stress sia. haha. but oh well. I wanna become a teacher when i grow up manzz. senior teacher or something. haha. see howw! haha. but anyway. yeahh. then met neng thereafter to study. haha. studying that day was quite productive i guess. haha. really. taught him mitosis while he taught me redox. and we went through each other's notes. haha. then i like took train from bedok all the way down to senja(chua chu kang). haha. Goshhh. then i read some notes on the way there. and that day. I kindda experienced the power of attraction. as in. i knew the force was there with me that day. felt it damn strongly. mmm. but oh wells. anyway.a haha. I FINALLY GOT TO SIT LRT. hahahah~ woosh. haha. LRT is like the old changi airport sky train. goshh. i miss that sky train like crazy laa. ahahha. sorry arhh. haha. with my obsession over trains. haha. have been liking trains ever since young laa. haha. so anyway, yeahh. then aiya, when ireached their house arhh. sianzz. cut cake over lers. haha. but nevertheless i got to play with jovan and chloe~~ haha. chloe's first year bday. hahaa. zomgg. haha. goshh. if only time can let me stay with them slightly longer. haha. dad wants to see grandad. But it's all right i guess. grandad does mean the same to me as chloe and jovan. haha. anyway..

haha. zomgg. cute rightttt. hahahaha. when i got there, was playing mostly with chloe laa. haha. goshh. she loves cooking toys arhh. haha same as natasha. haha. maybe all pig year girls love cooking toys for cho family. hahaha. goshhhh. they are really like damn uber cute laa. hahaa. and wooshh. there's gonna be swimming again with them. haha the last time when only jovan was around, it was damn uber fun laa. haha you guys can go jermboi and see. wooshhhh~ hahah. i think it's june 06 archive there. hahaa. zomgg. haha. really really hope it will come soon. woosh. haha. oh wells. so that's all for jovan and chloee. arghh. will miss them till the next time i see them. hahahaha.
haha. the 2nd pw meeting that our group have ever had. SO FUNNNN. WEEEE~ haha. zomggggg. so cooool. hha. that meeting was damn fun and somewhat productive. haha. and all of us behaved like the temperature-enzyme graph. haha. there was one point when all of us damn concentrated. then after that arhh. all of us fell asleep. hahaha.

haha. ky on the com.
then theres shing jiuan and li hui sleeping. haha. try spotting them! haha. goshh. may had to meet her father so she couldnt come. haha. it was really fun laa really. haha. our group, i can say, that working slowly and solidly. haha. Im really glad. haha. and like all of us are like learning to understand each other more i guess. haha. GO GROUP 105. goshh. I will look forward to almost every pw meeting from now on manzz. haha. so funnn! haha. that reminds me. hha. during the point when we got distracted, we found MR HO'S BLOGG. hahahah. so funn. haha. aiya, i am like damn freaking sad. hahaha. oh well. cos mr ho and mr aulia are both gonna go already.):. we had a farewell party on the last double period on thursday. haha. AND GOSHH. MR HO FOUND MY BLOGG. haha. gosh arhh. then he said that all my posts are long. hahaa. nvm. haha. my favourite line, no wait, the class favourite line.
"eh eh talk somemore talk somemore!"
hahaha. so fun laa. haah. then when we revealed we found his blogg. then he was like asking how we find it one laa. haha. but mr ho is uber nice laa. will miss him alot. like, damn nice to like gimme one to one tutoring. haha. then we sortta talked about NS, econs and stuff. haha. somewhat now, im less scared of entering army now laa. haha. am glad. (:. haha. goshh. why can't good econs teachers like mr ho and miss wong continue teaching us manzz. sighs. oh well. haha. i will really really really miss him alot manzz.:'(. haha. oh wells.
haha. and here is one pic that me and jess took during concert forget to post it up. that time wei siong was uber nice to send me all the concert pics he took for me. but my irritating sis had to go and delete all the "my received files" before i can upload it. walan. dabian. okay. im sianned. =/

haha. yesterday was fun. real fun. haha. i've never been so uber high. for a really really really reallyr eallyr eallyr eallyre ally really really really really really really really really long time already. haha. yesterday was SO MUCH FUNNN. haha. and flute ensemble was okay i guess. haha screwed up a bit but.haha. nevertheless, the carnival was so fun. haha. like our section had loads of fun. haha. let the pictures tell you the day baas!

haha. kj and a guy in tj skirt. haha. got us laughing like mad. haha.

haha. section pic. A funn and nicely taken section pic. haha. wee~

haha. kj and andy. hahaah. goshh. i was saying that the caption of this picture should be "my dear.." haha. but oh well. no laa. hahaha. just cam whoring around. hahaha.

section shot number 2. haha. this one is uber nice too manzz. hahaah.

Cheryl and charlene. haha. XD.

okay. there's this balloon person thing that day there. hahah. then right. haha you can see andy, me, xy and cheryl holding his hand. haha. and kj and luther. hahaha. goshh. you see where they are sitting. zomggggg. hahaha. nvmm you guys close up then go see. hahahaha!

haha. more fun with the thingg~

xinyun and nick. haha. the mime thing was uber cool~

Andy and the skirt guy again. hahahaa.
okayy. yeahh. but we had so much fun laa. haha. and in the audi, we were apparently shouting all our section members names + wei siong. hahaha. then like before guitar perform, we were shouting like GO XINYUN! haha. or GO KJ! or GO ANDY! hahaha. and, apparently that day we went crazy with balloons. haha. the rock band that elliot was in was uber cool too.
hahaha, goshh too bad this event happens once every 2 years. haha. it's so much fun laa. hahaa.
goshh. as mr ho puts it, the thing that you will miss most is your friends and your pdp. haha..
oh well. haha i gotta go offline lers. hahaa. cya guys mannzz. gonna catch up on some work. haha. cya.
Weather: nice morning sky
17th May 2008
Music: god speed
Prelude 28.. 1 year after being inspired from how well tjcsb played during prelude 27. and now, im actually part of the concert, part of tj band. The tj band magic? is that what you call it? yeah. I think its magic. During the first running note of hans christians and those high B flats and A flats. I felt the magic. wowing the audience with an impressive start. was kindda cool. The concert was a blast. But the first half of the day was pretty unpleasant. I won't bother to mention anything anymore, cos, ya, nevermind. just ignore that line. During playing, it just felt weird playing, didnt really enjoy myself to the fullest. For the first half of the concert, I was using my miyazawa, and apparently that day, i dunno why, but it was posing problems for me. I dunno whether it was the flute or me. But for the 2nd half i used dion's altus. haha it was much more shuang to play with it that day i guess. stage band that day, everyone really put in their best. Im just really glad about that. cos all the late nights staying up, all the quarrels and stuff which caused me loads of trouble. yes, all worth it. I cant wait for the cd to be out, so that i can see the DVD. spirited away was the best piece that day i think. according to elliot, his hair stood up. haha. i love spirited away~ haha. for die it was okay, i guess. played piccolo for that piece, screwed up on the running notes. sianz.but i guess, it was okay. yeah. inn of sixth happiness, ya. iguess i did manage to hold a delicate B. yay. heart and voice was woosh. though screwed up a bit~.=/. oh well. okay. enough jabbering. lets see pictures then.

me and andy on the bus.
okay, then it was shi jie, cheryl and andy at VCH there. didn take any more photos until after prelude...
haha. yay. section picture. goshh. if only shi jie was there=/
22/08 bandits! hee. van and jing. yay. you guys are the best mannz.
Me, liot and xinyun. The original 3 i guess. I really really really really miss the times spent during pae. us 3. just us 3. from morning waitings, going to band room to slack slack. I really miss those times like crazy. at that time to esplanade, like amazing race like that. sighs. if only fate wouldnt be so cruel to separate us 3.(okay, sounds like some love tragedy.) haha. anyway, yeah. liot. mr saxophonist. i guess i will miss you dude.=/. miss you alot.

andy, xinyun and kj. on the left(haha, took this during fiesta also)
cheryl shi jie and me on the right.=)
Cheryl and xinyun. haha. YAY. J1 FLUTES. really enjoy being with j1 flutes manzz.
andy and kj.

Xinyun and andy
Andy and cheryl

another section pic!
haha. gosh. xinyun looks like some serial killer in this shot. haha. =p.
andy and me. gosh, dont i just look so unglam. okay. haha. andy toshikasa. my senior for how many years? 5 years? yeah. close to there. haha. thanks so much for all the support and encouragement you've given me yeah. haha. you really rock. haha. and aiya! some study psycho TOP SCIENCE STUDENT IN TJ person. EEE. haha. anyway. yeahhh. gonna miss all your crapping and the fun times we had yeahh. haha. if only i can gok your brain out and duplicate it like 100000 times. hahaha. oh well~ gosh. will miss you loads man.
kj and me. okay fine. I look unglam in this shot as well. thanks so much for the memories left dude. I guess, though many things have happened, im just some how glad that eveyrthing still managed to pull through. as i said, without you, I think i wouldnt even be in TJ in the first place. thanks so much for everything. though i dont show, really appreciate all the stuff that you do for the section yeah. will miss you too i guess. jia you on the As yeah flute god.

MEIMEI! omg. haha. me and michelle. haha. gosh. this shot is finally one that i at least look decent.=.=. haha. haha. michelle, thanks so much for always being there for me no matter what happens and standing by me and always asking whether im fine. haha, and thanks for always replying me when im bored during lectures/tutorials. haha. you rock mann my dearest mei. haha. It's really a blessing to have you as a sister i guess. haha. =). thanks so much meimei for all the wonderful stuff that you've left me with. haha. guess i cya round in band someday!

CHERYLLLLL~~ =DD. haha. I look decent in this shot too. yay. gosh. my camera arhh . da bian. wanna throw temper with me on that day. =.=. haha. Cheryl is. a really really strong girl and a wonderful piccoloist. haha. that reminds me! YAY. the 2 piccoloists of the band. haha. oh well~ cheryl plays flute and piccolo well i guess. haha. and she's always there for you when you need her i guess. haha. thanks so much cheryl for being my setion mate. haha. CHEERS TO 1 MORE WHOLE YEARR OF SECTION. haha. goshh. and yay! in this shot i wax-ed my hair. haha. dont worry, shall wax it as often as i can yeah cheryl^^. haha. cya round in schooL!

FLOSTER/FLORA. haha. haha. heyhey flora. goshh. thanks so much for the gifts yeah. haha. it's really been great meeting you. haha. both of our aspirations, bass clarinet goddess and the flute shaolin. we will achieve it someday okay! haha. lets work hard together. theres a saying that goes, i was walking in the forest. 2 paths emerged and i took the one less travelled. haha. lets work hard okayy! next prelude! lets us both do solos! haha. yay! go flora!
snowball! haha. jiejie. haha. wee~ okayy. snowball is a talented oboeist/snare drummer. haha. okay. when we both come together, one thing you can expect is CRAZINESS. hahah. i wont forget all the crazy stuff that we did too snow ball! haha. and for a girl who plays only 2 years on the oboe! you are realy really cool mann! haha. 36. haha. our favourite bus number! haha. oh well! haha. cya round in band snow ball! you rock! haha.
MRS CHUA'S BAND CLANNNN. haha. gosh. gotta forward this shot to mrs chua someday mann. haha. gosh. my camera took a lousy picture=.=. stupid,. why throw temper with me that day. nvm. haha. meng jit's blog got a clearer shot. hahaha. wee~ goshh. mrs chua band ppl. gosh, we've made it thus far already. lets all continue working hard manzz. hahahaha.
Cheryl and kj.
xinyun and kj. aiyo arhh. everytime help they 2 take picture arhh. always turns out nice. haha. okay. bhb. but yeah. nvm. the osaka one is N-I-C-E-R. haha.
WE toook lots of section pictures too that day.

star formation. haha.

random sitting on the sofa

okay. dunno whats up with this cool windy shot thingy.

but this one is much much clearer. haha. yay. flutes.

okay. blurred shot again


and clear. haha. wonder what is andy looking at.

me and xinyun. gosh. xinyun. haha. FLUTE GODDESS A.K.A ST NICK'S FLAUTIST. haha. really really really really glad to have her as a section mate mann. haha. been with me since fiesta already. haha. thanks so much for always being there for me too xinyun. no matter what happens, you're another one which always stand by my side. be it flute, events or anything. haha. really hope to learn more on the flute from you. gosh the support concept. sighs. so shi bai. nvm. haha. cheers to many more years of friendship. haha. and the promise that i made, to attain the flute shaolin status by syf next year! haha. nvm laa. st nicks flautist. haha. oh well! jiayou jia you.

OG 11 SHOT. haha. okay. fine. without jolene and audrey. haha. sighs blurred but nevertheless.^^.

Jesssica and charlene. ahhaa. thanks you both too for the gifts and stuff. hahaha. yayy! you both rock too yeah. the only double bassist. and the french hornist. haha.

haha. okay. this shot was damn random. but yeah. haha. at least i captured the twins in this shot. haha. phantom and raoul. p.s. I think im hotter than you. haha. oh well. bao hui and yishu are in the shot too.

Gerald and me. haha. yeah. gerald rocks too! haha. really really good hard worker under props. haha. wonderful trumpter too!

XINYU! haha. thanks for always sms-ing us when we're down and stuff. haha.r eally look forward to hearing a trombone solo from you soon yeah!
----------------------------end of part 1 of post-------------------------------------------
part 2, so after concert, band kindda settled down. back to school life. haha. really enjoyed time spent with 22/08. but one thing for sure is that, last week, was all about distractions in class. ya. couldnt even concentrate much. haha. but nevertheless, last band prac was sc tryouts.
that day, xinyun was feeling damn jittery and i was trying to calm her down and tell her that she can do it. I was in the canteen to her and tlaking to her about stuff. But then in the band room, we all settled down. I was kindda looking forward to all the student conductors of j1 batch conduct and i happily took my flute and sat there. then suddenly, i was being called out to conduct as well. i was like HARR?! NO WAYY. OMG. no way. me?! I'VE GOT NO CONDUCTING EXPERIENCE MANZZ. AND ME?! HURRR. OMGG. Im freaking screwed.
so all the j1s who got selected went out. then like. yeah. all sat there, other than me, xinyun and grace, the rest all had conducting experience. haha. everyone was feeling jittery,a nd i didnt wanna go in. cos i had no experience AT ALL. waited. and didnt know what i was doing anyway. anyway, that day i was sick as well and was planning to go home. when i found out that xinyun was even sicker and that she was going, felt really guilty. haha. so, yeah. still went. aiyo. then had this thing. anyway. when it was my turn, was shaking my head all the way till i went up. i felt freakishly stupid while i was up there. despite that, haha. yeah was my first time actually conducting a band=.=. haha. other than sectionals in haising, which was mainly clapping hands=.=. anyway, movements were really broad. and like, everyone was laughing. and arhh, yeah. during the last part of robin hood and with heart, screwed up. haha. nvm. but it was fun conducting anyway. it;s really a whole new perspective from the band up there. mmm. but i did notice that a lot of ppl were looking at their scores. haha. oh well~. and arhh. thanks arhh. thanks ______. for laughing so hard till you can tear. haha. anyway. yeah. it was quite and experience laa. haha. nvm. mmm. really hope that we can have good scs for syf yeah.kwangyi, rachel, bao hui? yeah. they're all really good i think. haha. jia you manzz.
------------------------end of post part 2------------------------------------
to: you. gosh. can you like for once, trust the group. like COME ONNNN. you've gotta have trust to make this thing work mann. without trust, we're gonna flunk this thing. for once, yeah come on. just TRUST US. argh.
sighs. for once, im finding myself to become more self centred, more clingy, more. yeah. i dunno why. sometimes when i reflect on things that i do on impulse, sometimes i feel so freakishly stupid. many a time when i know im gonna act on impulse. i would normally be able to stop myself. until sometimes, it just reaches a point when you cannot ren anymore and just resolve to acting on impulse. die. self centred-ness. something that i will never ever wanna be. yet slowly and unknowingly, im becoming more self centred. die. nvm. have to reflect sometimes i guess. and for clingy, gosh. the horrors of sec 2. nvm. I shall not mention it out.
anyway. FRIDAY WAS A HAPPY DAYYY~ wee. haha. chem spa, i did get n=7. and i finished my lab report early. haha. for ocne, im actually looking forward to getting back chem spa. haha. and the best part is, it's counted for A levels. haha. and i got back several tests. and for once i passed my gp compre. haha. yayness. and my chinese listening compre got full marks as well. It's been long. really really long since i felt happy over academics. lately, it's all about flunking, failing and being depressed. that reminds me, i've gotta wear specs from now on. both eyes, the guy said both eyes degrees went up by 25 deg. so that means, no more right perfect eye sight to depend on. my right eye is like 25 deg and my left 275.=(. oh well. and ot think that when i was young, wearing specs is cool. =.= i miss my perfect eye sight. sianzz. its DUPER MA FAN wearing specs. sighs. lesson learnt: never ever depend so much on onething and that, never take things for granted. mum nagging me to wear specs like everyday even though i can depend on my right which was lazy eyes. gosh.
ANYWAY, THERES LONG WEEKEND. WEEEEEE. haha. morrow is chloe's first year bday. i cant wait to see them again manzz. they are the only 2 which ALWAYS no matter how makes me happy mann. i really cant wait. goshh. hahaa that little pearl=). oh well. cya guys round. REALLY LONG POST yeah haha. cya! off to school for pw.=.=