Friday, June 27, 2008 / 9:57 AM
weather: fine
27th June 2008
music: campfire song song
HEY. haha. omg. YAY. JCTS ARE OVER. and i can finally like blog. but. sighs. it's like 1.30am right now. very very tired alr. sighs. haha. nvm. I got some class pics from bbq night. haha. you guys enjoy this first laa. haha. but i promise the post will be the long post soon. cya guys.
-CTD-haha. i shall continue from where i left off. hee. =). okay. i go from front to back k. from what i can remember. haha.. my memories are more fresh. haha. oh, and check out the playlist at the bottom. I finally learnt how to create one imeem player. =.=. haha. IT'S HAISING HYMN SINGING SONGS. BOY DO I MISS THEM.
haha. okay, that day, whilst everyone can like zao after math paper, im stuck with bio paper till like 5pm. (i shall elaborate more on JCTS later, haha.). so when the paper ended, everyone felt so reliefed. haha. including me i guess, but i still so tensed up, so stress. maybe, it's the aftermath of exam? im not sure. haha. so after the bio paper, i was supposed to go to shawn's house with samuel, oliver they all, but then, haha, this section outing was preplanned a long long time ago. haha. so, sighs, i thought it was saturday. ahh manz.haha. so right, from school, i rushed down, feeling all drained to city hall mrt, where we will be spending one whole day in marina square. haha. and i ended up being the latest. haha. we were supposed to meet at 5.30pm. I only managed to rush there by 5.50pm. (cos before that, i accompanied si han and andrea to the bus stop cos they were so nice to like, accompany to walk from school to interchange. haha). okay. when i reached, xinyun, cheryl and andy was there. haha. Kj had some stuff going on, so he was waivering whether he was coming. I think. haha. so ended up, only 4 of us.
we first went to some cd shop at city hall there, known as mtv. so. haha. it was quite fun laa harr. I CAUGHT MY NODAME CD THERE AND IM MOST DEFINITELY GOING BACK THERE TO BUY. THERE'S ONE FLUTE TRACK AT EPISODE 13 THERE AND I WANNA HEAR IT. omg. im in love with nodame tracks too.=). xy was looking for her berlin phil music. talked to andy and cheryl. was quite okay laa. i was still in uniform then. and cheryl, xy and andy were in uniform. GRR. haha. but still yups! after getting the cds, we headed down to marina square.
we went into the cinema there to check out movie time slots, and apparently, all of us can't stay till so late. so we ended up going to SUNTEC. haha. after checking the movie time slots there, we set on seeing DON'T MESS WITH THE ZOHAN at 8 plus,9? i think. haha. we cut through the long and amazing suntec. It was fun laa. haha. talking on the way and stuff. we played with arcade first. and we went MAD there. haha. though we only played 3 games, no 4. haha. it was so fun.
hahahaha. me and andy first went crazy over bishibashi. I love the mechanical pencil part, where you get to slam the keys really really hard. haha. it's fun laa. we then played this jungle rider thingy, where xinyun and cheryl was playing in it. and all of us were screaing like idiots. haha. That was a stress reliever too.
AND THE MOST FUNNEST OF ALL. THE TOUCH SCREEN BALL GAME. it's this machine, where you get to throw balls at some screen, and you have to aim at stuff and throw. according to xy and cheryl, me and andy were like some mad freaks screaming while throwing the balls at the screen, no, barbarians is a more appropriate word. YEAH. LIKE SOME BARBARIANS THROWING SPEARS AT SOME RABBIT. hahaha. AND WE GOT HIGH SCORE. haha.
aiya, actually we cheated one laa. it was supposed to be a one player game where you aim. haha. AND IT'S REALLY REALLY HARD. cos many many things come flying at one time. so 4 ppl are like there throwing stuff. oh and a crowd saw us play. haha. AND WE MADE IT TILL THE END. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. omg. you guys can go check it out.
hahahhaha. it's not easy k! haha. seriously. I can't wait again for that game. (: we must go back again some time k! =)). haha. then we went to watch zohan, and paid for popcorn and stuff. we went in. haha. OH, AND WHILE PAYING FOR THE TICKETS
WE GAVE THEM LOTS OF COINS. haha. imagine us being like retarded there, trgiving the lady like coins and coins. hahahahah. she seemed pissed, especially with the long queue behind us. HAHAHHA. omg. then after that, we went in.
IT'S A REALLY GOOD MOVIE. haha. especially the methods that zohan used to cut the person's hair. hahaha. no laa. im kidding.
EH EH EH. im not so sick k. haha. if you wanna know why i said that, go catch the movie.
haha, but the moral of the story for the movie is like, basically want the palestanian-isral war to stop aint it. it's like, putting it across from a funny way. and also like, how they worked together in america, gosh, it's like so totally heart warming. =). Don't you just love to see harmony. haha.
HAHA. THAT SHOW IS LIKE NC16. haha. and the whole section outing was quite stress relieving. hhaha. and after that, we went home, xy headed north, me cheryl and andy headed east. gosh. WE SHOULD GO FOR MORE SECTION OUTINGS. especially when we're stress. haha. I can't wait for the one where shi jie and ke jian comes along.haha. THAT WILL BE EVEN MORE CRAZY. NVM. I SHALL PLAN ONE, TO MACRITCHIE ONE. HAHA. OR KITE FLYING WOULD BE NICE. haha. oh yeah! and year end, im gonna get my Award of merit, and like, life guard! hehehehehe. WOOHOOO. omg. hahhaa. oh yeah, and andy asked me to teach him swimming. hahahaha. omg,
XINYUN! HAHAHA. let's teach andy together. hahaha. during hols. omg. hhaahha. (okay, haha, we see how laa hurr.)
haha. yeah got home, msn-ed planning to blog. but failed. haha. so that sums up friday. GO CHERYL, GO XINYUN, GO ANDY, GO KJ, GO SHI JIE! WOOHOO. haha. i love tj flutes. =). haha. sighs. why do andy and kj have to leave manz. ah well. we'll still catch them around school. haha. okay.
omg. 1 word for this manz. FREAKING SCREWED. haha. trust me on this.
For GP, the compo, i didnt know what i was doing, and like the compre, i didn't even understand anything and i anyhow crapped up the summary. GAHH. english. sighs. IF ONLY I WAS GOOD IN IT.haha. don't worry. i will try. i still have a year half. do mrs tang proud manz.
For econs. omg. hahaa. the qns i predicted did come out. haha. but i only studied for one of the chapters. the other one i crapped. case study was quite fine. haha. during the exam, there's this really irritating guy beside me, who keeps on doing the KRR KRRR. sound, imagine, every second the person does this. omg. haha. but aiya, he was sick i think, at least he stopped after 1 hour haha.
For Chemistry, THE MCQ was so freaking rushed. "you have 10 mins left" and like everybody was like 10/20 through. haha. we had 30 mins to chiong finish the questions. yup. the section C was quite fine! i just couldnt get 2/5 of the shapes out, other than that, the section was fine. then, the section B, essay, was horrendously done. seriously, alot of blanks throughout, im dead. haha. haha. For chinese, the zuo wen was k. I don't think i will score a good mark for it. but i think it's passable. haha. but for the compre paper. surprisingly, the paper was quite okayly done. haha. it's the most satisfied paper with i am so far. haha. go chinese. haha. Oral is like on next friday. im screwed. haha. better go get back my oral notes from weijun. yups. omg, jun if you ever read this, i hope you're fine out there yeah. things might not be k. but, yeah, just know im here for you if you need me yeah. sighs. take good care dude.
For Math, OMG. THE PAPER WAS LSASJDFLKASJFL;KAJDSFLAS. MARKITA I TELL YOU. MARIKITA. haha. im GG fied. haha. the questions are tough laa. I think. especially the induction one. everyone can't seem to solve it. IM so qi gek! walao erhh. i love induction. grr. haha. but okay laa, i tried. SIGHS. i wanna do well in H2 MATH. omg. haha. then bio, sighs, essay screwed, B was like anyhow done, haha. i think. dunno. let's see the score. but at the end of the bio paper, you see arhh, i was sitting at class upfront doing the paper. at the end of the exam, the teacher said to me that i was looking around during the exam, and that i should look straight while i think. She said i had a tendency to look side ways. haha, and she said she wasn't going to report this. sighs. I mean like, during the exam, who doesnt look around to think manz, especially when you're stuck. D;. but still, haha, she was really nice to let me go off. phew. haha. IF not i would be murdered stiff. imagined if she reported this.haha. but still, okay, i should watch myself during exam not to make my movements so obvious. I mean like, you look around to catch your pace also right. D; sighs. haha it's k laa. nvm. i must watch myself. yups.
haha. and after one horrible round of major exams in TJ. i finally know how we should fear the TJ standard. call this wake up call. haha. i plan to work really hard now on. both for band and for studies. haha. I really should start working hard.
haha. resolutions for next half year
-not to pon any more lectures and tutorials unless necessary
-visit ah ma and ah gong at least once on a school day since it's nearby, i aimed to do that for a really long time alr.
-study at home if im like slacking away.
- and work hard for flute, though, trying never seems hard enough. but i shall continue to jiayou. sighs. i tried playing flute these few days, but it sounded horrible. bahh. all my support gone. haha. there goes to like one and a half weeks of not practicing. and like hearing that airy sound makes me feel so horrible. sighs. nvm. jiayou to getting it back.
-event 3: haha. study sessions
haha. i made a new study group, as in met, samuel, oliver, andrea, alicia and shawn. haha. it's great to be part of a new team. haha. other than flutes, i know that i have these few ppl to rely on. haha. study sessions was pretty productive. haha. And im so glad i made new friends like them. yup. haha. and studying sessions with weisiong, xinyun and cheryl was REALLY FUN too. haha. i didnt blog about that right. haha. I look forward to more study sessions with them manz. yup. OH. and the last week, haha, study sessions with kj and m. yup. haha. In the airport. Thursday was just me and kj. haha. that one was quite productive. haha. workin on chem redox questions. haha. and on chem. yups! that one was pretty useful. but the friday study session with both of them, it was k laa. yup. it was quite k. until the end. mmm. don't really wanna elaborate on that. It was just unpleasant laa. sighs. it's k. nvm. forget it. but that study session was k. cos i was trying to cram econs. haha. yup.
event 4: BRONZE CROSS.
hahaha. I PASSED I PASSED MY OPEN SEA LLIFE SAVING. my first ever step to like getting into open sea waters. haha. OMG. that even tshouldn ever be forgotten. haha.
okay, when that day first started, It was like morning. I was feeling pretty nervous as i was afraid that there was no one to pei me. but ended up, i met many of my life savin 3 mates. haha. and the AM group. as in ren hao, benson, nigel, daniel they all. But i seem to be closer to my life saving 3 mates. haha. we met up, and like waited for one hour before everyone made it. When we looked into the pasir ris park waters, it was green and filthy. haha. no one wanted to go down until we were being forced i think.
haha. we had loads of practices on the events before the actual test. as in, everything was on the day itself. haha. quite unique. cos normal lifesaving courses would be like 1 week at the swimming pool. haha. and the test on another day it self. yup.
the first event was rope throwing, haha, that it, using a rope to save ppl laa. who fell into sea. haha. wind was blowing. and like, we can't miscalculate. haha. it's like RELATIVE VELOCITY. the horrible chapter in A math that so many ppl had difficulty with. haha. So was like the Wind was blowing east. and like the casualty right in front of you. you gotta aim the rope slightly right. haha. Many times, i aimed wrongly, haha, and had to made poor jia yong(my lifesaving paired up partner) to be stuck in the sea for so long. haha. And like, of course, luckily during the test, after 2 throws i made it.
haha. okay, next event, show a fin rescue. as in you wear those diving flippers and like swim with it to save ppl who are like 30m of coast. haha. It was quite hard, cos the fins are like, so ever hard. but i did it. haha. when i had to like swim in the sea, was dreaful at first. cos you will never know what's in there like jelly fish and stuff. haha but luckily, the whole day, we ony faced currents and like endless green sea salterish bitterish sea water. haha. omg. haha. during the test that turned out fine too.
okay. the torpedo buoy rescue. haha. that one is okay. where you have to swim out 50m to like strap someone on the buoy to like, save him. haha. got me kindda giddy. but that one was pretty fine.
omg. haha. i dunno capsized how many times, and like tried balancing on the canoe. and like have to get the whole class guys to like help out with me to get up on the canoe. and manourvering it was quite difficult also. haha. but i eventually did it. through the patience of my instructor, jiayong and my gods. haha. and of course the class. i was one of the fastest during the course of the rescue. (call me buay hiao bai, but this is one achievement im so proud of myself). haha. but like, yeah lor. did pass it.(:
haha. and like theory was k laa. At least, during the course, everything went in. hahahaha.
THANK YOU MANZ. I PASSED MY OPEN SEA WATER FIRST STEP. silver cross, and then patrol lifeguard. haaaaa=). wait for half a year. be4 i see old man and like lifesaving again. hahaha. I can't wait for NS making me come out fit and all. and when i be life guard, thats if during holiday jobs. haha. I HAVE SOME PECS TO SHOW OFF AT LEAST. haha. =p. since i have so much fat to convert. hahahahhaa. go jerms!
okay. fourth event, the class bbq, which i asked you guys to go lala blog and see. i have some pictures laa. im so lazy to blog lers. you guys enjoy the pics k. Im gonna miss mr ho manz. and mr aulia too. =(. haha. go manz. I hope tmr, the new gp, econs and chinese teacher will be good. cross fingers.

and, haha, here goes to the new school term. 11.25pm alr. haha. sleep early you guys out there who ain't sleeping, jiayou jiayou for the new school term. and lets us all J1S WORK HARD FOR PROMOS and J2s, jiayou for exams, and for my secondary school friends, work hard on your O levels and exams!
please bring me back to the watercoloured days, then run through still in me.
Thursday, June 26, 2008 / 7:24 AM
weather: fine.
26th June 2008
music: mozart's oboe concerto k314, 3rd movement.
things that should have happened, and things that should not have happened.
don't you feel that things that should have happened did not happen and like things that should not have happen did happen. sighs. D;. many many many many countless things have happened throughout these few weeks whilst i didnt blog. so for you guys out there,
GET READY FOR AN UBER UBER UBER UBER UBER UBER UBER UBER UBER UBER UBER UBER UBER UBER long post tomorrow. yups. you guys can get ready for an extremely long one. maybe have to split into parts. I dunno.
today, the reason for this post, is actually, quite unexpected. after the chinese paper today, I felt emo. (i know i have a lot of negative feelings lately, but. ya [goes out to don]) not emo over the fact that the paper is difficult, the paper is quite fine actually. But i was kindda affected by the passages they used this time round. the paper is quite fine. and there was this passage about. erm. one word to basically summarise the passage
somehow, I wonder as i read through the passage. thoughts were running through my mind over things that have happened over the past weeks. things that i've seen through, been through, or even felt through, said through? The passage said something like...
when i was attending one science lesson one day, our teacher asked, what's the difference btw an animal and a human?
the class got stunned
the ans is, humans can feel and have emotions and be expressed by facial emotions and stuff, but not animals.
when the author heard this, he was very surprised and like leng4 zhu4, so he thought that it was some golden advice thingy.
but like, as years passed, he felt that what the teacher say was quite untrue.
like, in a way that, your facial expressions do not really show what you truly feel. Like, how many times have he comed across situations when, your facial expressions do not truly show how you feel, like, he was sitting on this aeroplane once, and like, the airplane ladies(stewardess) are like showing them how to put on oxygen masks, but through those smiles, he can sense that she's like doing it for the sake of doing, her real feelings are like sianned.
okay, the passage is still lots more, but you guys should be able to get my point. Sometimes, when im like angry with a person, i do not like, show it on my face, i still like pretend that things are fine and stuff, while like burning with rage's like, true aint it. and like,everyone is fake to some extent. In this complicated world, it's not everytime that humans show their true expressions on their, you can feel sianned, hurt, or whatever, and put on a smile.(this thing works sometimes, but when you do it many many times, somehow, you can't contain the anger much more)
you can like, show a depressed face and stuff to like attract attention when you're feeling so fine inside you.
somehow, it just made me think laa. the events related to this, well, im not gonna post it up. shall just leave it for you guys to like, think about this baas I guess. somehow, whenever i think about those events, somewhat, i feel so, mm. awkward, weird? sudden worries? i dunno. somewhat, this is once when ican't describe how i really feel. It's like, one second it's like this, yet next another second it's like that. sighs. forget it. really. I dunno how to go on alr.
bio and math paper tomorrow. bio lots not studied. feeling quite tired now. maybe waking up earlier to like study tomorrow. let's hope things can go in.
section outing morrow. jct ends morrow. cant wait.
sighs, im losing alot of zeal and energy from myself. BAHH.forget it. sighs.
cya guys.
Monday, June 16, 2008 / 8:51 AM
weather: rainned
16th June 2008
Music: k314-mozart's oboe concerto
tomorrow, is the once in 4 years event of the bronze cross for lifesaving. The course and the test. all in open waters. There's theory and there's practical. I thought it's a one day thing. so that it won't hurt. and surprisingly, im feeling more of siann-ed than of excitement. I have to see old man again. it's 11.53pm and i havent got a single shit of theory inside my mind, and best of all, i have no idea who's going for tomorrow's course. It will be so freaking boring if no one i know is going. then have to restart the cycle of making new friends and all. It's not that i hate making new friends. I do like making new friends. Just that, before you meet someone new, You always have this doubt in you of how the people are gonna be like yeah. okay. great. treatment for hypothermia, fractures, shoulder dislocation, heat stroke and cramps.
GREAT, OH HOW JUST SO GREAT. AND WITH JCTS COMING UP, AND LIKE almost like nothing in my mind. (the ground i covered is damn little yeah). IM FREAKING SCREWED. econs and chinese not even started yet. 1 week. just 1 week. how to squeeze in everything. BIO and CHEM i havent even got much farther into the syllabus yet. someone kill me laa. seirously im dead. freaking deead. there goes my entry to mazarin ler laa. D;
PW. omg. causing me freaking lots of time. If kao still doesnt approve, i've got nothing to say. we still got lots of ground to cover laa. as in, lots not done. school's reopening. great.
T.T. sighs. I seriously wanna cry. sighs. tomorrow. tomorrow. HOW. f it.
and just cos of jct. I have to cancel the swimming outing with my nephew, niece and xuemei jiejie. GREAT GREAT GREAT. FOR ONCE, WHEN I HAVENT SEEN THEM FOR MONTHS.
today's a day, where i did lots of studying, but nothing ever seems to be enough nowadays.
sighs. forget it. im going off to continue pw-ing. and maybe multitask in remembering some theory. fine. im screwed, way screwed.
wish me luck. and pray that old man shall be in a good mood tomorrow. don't wann my lifesaving to be screwed. ARGH.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008 / 3:42 AM
Weather: grey skies
11th June 2008
Music: s.o.s-jonas brothers.
haha. yesterday's study session was okay! but the first day one was better. haha. I guess, I was more distracted. sighs. caught a fever, went up to 38.1 degrees, but better than that time which went up to 40. mmm. haha. today was supposed to go ice skating with kairu, mei yee, pei shi, hui hui they all. but sighs, apparently, cos of it, i can't go. D:. siannz. ARGH. manz. irritating. the fever has subsided alr. I think, the current temp at 36.7. haha. enzyme's optimum temperature. so yup!
haha. oh yeahh
to: A, B
i wanna dedicate the song "accidentally in love" to you ppl manz. hahaha.
To: B
I wanna dedicate the song" the chosen" to you manz.
hahahaha. you know who you are. haha.
anyway, I shall show you guys something
haha. on the first day,everyone survived and stayed strong, and on the second day. let's see what happened... there are only 3 participants left, jerm, xy and wei siong.

omg. as you guys can see, he's beat. real beat, real tired. ta-da sleeping at macs. omgg. his energy is running low! ZOMGG. HE MIGHT NOT MAKE IT. ZOMGG. HOW HOW HOW. omg. HOW IS HE GOING TO SURVIVE DAY 3. OMG OMG OMG. WEI SIONG'S ENERGY LEVEL--> (if you guys played pokemon, when a pokemon battles, right now, wei siong's energy is when the energy bar is at the red portion) omgg. let's hope he survives day 3!
hahaha. okay laa okay laa. Im kidding. (:. haha. this picture was taken at the end part of our studying session when siong has read finish his stuff and like everything laa. haha(:. so as you guys can see pictures are not as reliable as it seems. hahaha.(:. but really, wei siong has studied alot k =). haha. and he taught us alot of stuff manzzz. (:
china studies and math. hahaha. zomg. xinyun that day was mainly concentrating laa. haha. though at one point of time, she got kindda distracted over hua chi-ing. hahahaa.but still, she's staying focused yeah.. =D. haha.
hahaha. CHEM CHEM CHEM. haha. and math also laa. haha. gosh, look darn serious in this picture. but as i said, hahaha, PICTURES AIN'T RELIABLE MANZ. haha. during the studying session, I was the most distracted one laa. haha. even though i concetrated at times, hahaha. but still yups!
zomgg., studying sessions with them are soooo uber duper fun =D. haha. I can't wait for the one coming up again! =D. haha. and friday's section studying. haha. wonder whos going. mmm. =). haha
morrow's pw group meeting. gosh. ahha. jiayou 105. =)
Monday, June 9, 2008 / 9:39 AM
Weather: Sunny today
9th June 2008
Music: S.O.S- jonas brothers.
mmm. hey. woa. many events have happened of late. 2 weeks of the holidays have just flew by. I guess, most of the events are depressing/anger-raising ones, but there are events which are like enjoyable and like real nice, haha, which kindda includes like today's studying session with siong and xinyun, yesterday's studying session with philip and kejian, and 22/08's class bbq.
sighs, okay, i shall go in random order of the events. okay. let's start with this first.
sighs. it's so freaking tough manz. to stay at home nowdays. everyday at home, quarrel quarrel quarrel, shout shout shout. walan erhh. and that's why i've been like going out to study like almost everyday. cos apparently, it's so much more conducive although like home is the most conducive place for me. but apparently, whatever i do arhh, you come and pick a fight with me. When i use the computer, you come and snatch with me, when like, i was like out the whole day and you were at home. waa. okay. nvm. im like energetic-erless to fight out stuff with you already but, yeah, I guess, anyway, thanks so much for giving me so much energy to drive myself outta the house to study. Study sessions with my friends are so much more conducive. then staying home, trying to memorize stuff with you roar-ing away.
okay, anyway, event 1: studying session with xinyun and wei siong, today.
okay. before i start on everything, i shall show you guys the most amazing thing that happened today:

TA-DAAA. can't you believe your eyes! ZOMG. xinyun is actually studying. haha. and everyday in the band room slack slack slack arhh. and the nicest part is STUYDING MATH ARHH(notes GC). haha. but yeahh! today's study session with wei siong and xinyun was uber conducive. haha. wei siong is uber nice yeah, to explain functions and graphs to me. at least now, I feel like i've accomplished something big(thanks wei siong!^^). haha. I know how to draw 1/f(x) and square root f(x) graphs lers. haha. that means somehow, my functions are like kindda fine now. haha. and when i look back at the questions of the test, I feel like i can do everything haha. this is like uber cool laa. haha. thanks so much! and xinyun, you agree with me that it's conducive right(:! haha. and today, yeahh, took some time to settle down and stuff! but morrow there's gonna be another study session. woohoo~ can't wait. haha. morrow, i shall continue doing a bit of math, and perhaps, starting a bit on chem. gosh. I havent started on econs, mmm. this is uber worrying. so much content. bio + econs. this is worse than the content of bio + SS O levels manz, (still can remember that day when it clashed). haha. we crapped a bit too, but still managed to stay focused. haha.
and somehow, we also got abit into palm reading. haha. it's kindda cool laa. heard lots of versions. haha. but it's cool yeah. both of my palm's engravings are like, symmetry of each other. according to xy, your left hand is your past life and your right is your present. haha. and woa, she kindda read that my life is gonna be like an eventful one. haha. which is quite fun cos i love events. haha. but yeah laa, like ah don said. my life is gonna be a rocky/complex one. haha. yeah lor. one that's filled up with events. haha. My love line on my left is split into 2 while my right one is like 1 straight one(Phew). haha. though im not believing into all these stuff but still, haha. loyalty is soemthing which i have in me damn strongly and i really respect those who are loyal yeah. haha.(:. haha but still. phew manz. relief. haha. woa. I hope the right one comes soon.
ahh well. morrow 10 at the airport. can't wait for another learning session. I'D RATHER DO THIS THAN GO TJ AND LISTEN TO _ _ _ IN MATH LESSONS MANZ. THIS IS SO MUCH MORE CONDUCIVE. WOOPHEEHOO~
okay. event 2: the studying session with kj and philip. yesterday.
woa. haha. that day, i went airport also. so that means, i have been going to the airport for 3 consecutive days lers, counting this, today and tomorrow. haha. but still. that day, met kj at the simei mrt control station and like headed down to kembangan to meet his sec school buddy, philip. haha. it's really really uber nice and cool meeting him, haha, friendly and all. and a band-it, too. haha. but yeah, we went for this christian talk thing at first, and the speaker was kindda cool. and like, the talk was pretty fine. for those who is like really into christianity i believe that the new creation church will be a good church to go to. but the part that i aint really fine about it, is that the pastor kindda indirectly/directly insulted my religon yeah.
"waa. and they pray to those stupid idols.", "they ain't there when we need them,"
and like stuff like that. haha. i agreed with kj to go, cos like, it's gonna be real interesting and like, haha, they won't force ppl to join their religon, and for once i actually respected that. and now, they insulted my religon. mmm. I mean like, what the heck baas, I mean, come on. I am a taoist and many a time, my gods has been there for me, before my birth all the way till now. and from birth till now, i've never ever seen taoism/buddism like criticising christianity.
"pray to those stupid idols", okay, my dad goes to this temple to help out every sat night, and sometimes we follow along. gods do possess a person's body. (as in, my sisters god father whos like the owner there or something) and the gods do communicates and help. and like, come on, taoism is cool. My gods are like there for me all the time,. whenever i need help and stuff. and i've prayed to them countless times for many things, and many things they've blessed me with. lots of love, happiness(well, most of the times), a great school, great friends, a nice family(Despite the fact that my sister is being an ass sometimes) but still hey. They're always there for me. and the part on like, saying that my gods aint there for me whenn they die. okay. i know that christians head on to heaven after they die. and for taoists, we will be going to hell. but what do you know manz. how can you like say us like this laa."their idols aint there for them when they die", I mean, when we go down when we die, we will be judged on the merits that we do for the past life. if we've done loads of good, we will get to cross the gold bridge/silver bridge to our heaven. and, comeon, I know ye's status like now, he's real happy right now. from what i know from my gods. so i mean like, woa, you've crossed the line man.come on, every religon is like the same, if you do good you will be rewarded, and if you do bad, you will be punished, and that's what hell is for aint it.
and when i ate that biscuit and drank that cup of thing at the church, and when you said that, i kindda felt like getting it outta me. For once, i felt like i've betrayed my gods laa. but still, I oughtta thank for the interesting talk, other than the part of criticising, I feel that it's a rather interesting talk. thanks yeah. and like, it's stil kindda neat, cos, you made me wanna stick to my religon much more than i ever do. haha.
okay, then studying session at the airport. worked on dna and genomics, and like finally understood some stuff there too, kj was working on his math and philip was on physics. haha. we did like work from afternoon all the way till night. and we like went airport also to like, erm, pick cladys up as she's just returned from osaka. haha. but her mum is there, so i guess we couldn't really talk much. ahh well. i hope section outing faster come manz. haha. let's everybody like catch up and stuff. haha. ARGH. KITE FLYIN! =DD. haha. and like cycling and stuff. haha. but that study session was okay. haha. we went for dinner after that, and like, haha, went home. but still, it was a pretty awesome day i guess, although some stuff left me disturbed but still. haha. yups! thanks so much for the day! haha.
oh yeah. there's gonna be a section study out session on friday's at xy's house. woa. i hope everyone can like be there manz. haha. and when we get distracted, we can like play little fighter 2. haha. which is like what I' ve been waiting for haha. itching to press some letters and like this firezen guy will like PRING PRONG PIANG and ice and fire will come out. haha.
Event 3: CLASS BBQ.
omgg. haha. that day was uber fun. haha. i wasn't planning to go actually, cos i was feeling uber tired, but i had to go cos i have to pass notes to them. haha. but im really really glad that i went. it's so fun to be there. haha. with my aulia, mr ho and the class, we had lots of games and i felt like pig that day, eating chips, eating fish sticks, eating hotdogs and fishcakes and everything, gosh, i feel like a darn fat pig. but still, haah, we chit chatted played games and everything, haha and we tricked mr ho into believing that all of us went home and throwed his bag down the pool. haha. read lavina's blog for more details manz. haha. I guess, the whole account is there laa. haha. and like hong lii's slippers got thrown into the pool as well. haha, and there was this adventure trying to rescue it. damn uberr funny. haha. mr ho has pictures, so i shall gok from him when he comes online the next time, *grins*. haha but you guys can go read lalas blog for more details.haha. it's so fun. chit chatting, going high with samuel over singing, crapping with kheh yang, and like the class playing the drinking water game. ARGHHH. i can't wait for the next one. haha.
22/08. the class that rocks, and im proud. damn uber proud to be an 22/08-ian. haha. GOO CLASS.
event 4: DSA tryouts.
woa. that day, was pretty fine. lots of things seen. Lots of ppl came to dsa, but haha, this one go xinyun's blog and read laa. k.
sighs.jun. for once, you should've said earlier that mjc was your dream school yeah. before the dsa auditions, you was thinking this. mmm. kindda felt that you should've went all out for mj, in that case. you said that for tj, you didnt even think that you can make it in, so you gave it a shot. haha. for once, it's k. but sighs, even went to the extent of troubling xinyun, and like going with you to the esplanade to check out scores and stuff. know that you're thankful and all. er hao also did a lot for you too. but for once, you've gotta be clear of what you want before setting out on what you wanna do okay. For tjc, it's really really not easy getting a dsa spot in here. you can ask anyone on the planet and everyone wil tell you is not. i don't think it's easy obtaining a spot in mj either, but i feel that yeah, you should set clear on which school you wanna aim for, and head on from there. but right now, the main thing is that, you mustb e happy with whatever decisions you make. for mj, im kindda pretty sure that you will get in, yeah. even before you go for the thing, im sure you will get in lers. so for once, my dear junior, like as you said, im kindda disappointed. cos like studying out with xinyun today, i kindda felt guilty when she said some stuff. for once, yeahh you should've told me that mjc was your dream school way before this whole thing even started manz. cos like as xy says, she doesnt really wanna waste a dsa spot in tj. it's not that i want you to come tj, neither it's not that i don't want you to go mj. it's the fact that you should've set your priorities right, as in, set yuor dreams and goals clearly before setting out from there. like, mj, then mj all the way, tj then tj all the way. and really, im kindda feeling quite mixed about this issue baas. welcome my dear junior. for saying thanks and all for helping. but sighs, kindda disappointed at the fact that you kindda didnt set your goals clear before you set out yeah. like, why waiver. mmmmm. when you talked to me online today, i wasn't feeling quite well already and apparently, Id idnt wanna pressure you anymore as er hao is alreayd like pressurising you somehow i guess, and i told you i wasn't disappointed but for once, yeah, Im kindda angry/disappointed in a way. But i guess it'll blow over. so, the choice is really up to you my dear junior. what really matters is for you to be happy. yups. stay happy, and be happy with your decisions. i have this strong feeling that both schools will accept you and eventually you will have to do a decision. and dao shi hou, i really don't know what will happen. jiayou k.
hey xinyun. thanks so much for helping out with my junior yeahh. really, from the bottom of my heart, thanks so much for everything. haha. owe you one manz. =). haha. and yay! MARCUS HAS DECIDED TJ. woohoo. omg. if like jun comes in here too. haha. i kindda am like happy. cos we're gonna have an even awesomer than awesome section. hahaha. GO TJ FLUTES MANZ. haha. ahh well. speaking of which section outing is coming, THAT SATURDAY AFTER JCTS PLEASE FASTER ARRIVE. ><. haha. i heard there was this uber impressive percussionist from VS also. haha. woa. all the pro players from VS here in tj arhh. sighs. really wonder, how much more do i have to go manz. I dunno what im doing laa. sighs ahh well.
event 4: the comm handover.
congrats to the 08 comm.happy for all of you guys yeah.
Okay. just like, ignore whatever i've said laa. i guess, like it or not, the facts are there alr. and i guess, right now, i should focus on the music aspect much more than anything else. I shall take the stageband experience as a personal gain. yup. I guess right now, i can like focus much more on flute than on anything else. yup. I guess, the TAC will still be formed, but let's see how things go laa. for once, im gonna like, start focusing more on like the musical aspect. yups. sighs, sometimes, just wish that i can single tongue like some super man. so many nice fast pieces to play, and like single tongueing stuff will be so much nicer. mmm. I guess, I'll start like working real hard manz. go jerms. and go TAC.
okay. i guess im tired lers. nights guys. im off to bed. morrow's a longgg day ahead. can't wait for the study session. nights.
Monday, June 2, 2008 / 6:32 AM
weather: fine.
2nd June 2008
music: can't take my eyes off you for flute solo and band.
okay. damnit. damnit. I've to-rroed enough manz. I've tahan-ed enough. When everytime mum asks me: "why you everytime so willingly go help your friends tutor and everything, then your own sisters you don't help?"
Okay. fine i help my friends, then i Don't help my sisters. so today, I decided to help all of them. anyway, that line has been sad an uber long time ago.
First you, then you.
when I was tutoring you in science today, what sortta crap attitude are you like giving me la. fuck it manz. I am like tolerating your nonsense attitude while i was teaching you already. now sec 1 stuff all become like my time der sec 3 stuff. then now you don't understand, you don't wanna clear it up. and all day long, all you care about is your bleach and fiddling with your ipod, watching TV, play computer all day long. waa. I tell you you win already. Then later tests result come back, it's not good, then you say say say again. then say this friend score worse than you, then that friend score worse than you, then like whatever laa. then say like 50/60+ outta 100 is good enough. come on. you're a mere sec 1. if this kindda attitude is gonna carry you up, I dunno how far you can do. Fine. it's holidays. you can chill all the heck you want. But i mean, come on laa, when it's time to get serious you get serious laa. idiot.
And you. monkey see monkey do arhh. hurr. you look. trying so hard to teach you flute. and this is the kindda stupid attitude that i get. Run through the piece once can already arhh. harr. everything seems so wrong laa. thought im not that pro myself, at least, im trying to teach you right. see something difficult run away. tired already then don't want this don't want that. come on. p4 already. wake up manz. you're still young. then you still like that. walan. syf presentation coming up. then you still can like that. and haha. so funny. you still got a solo coming up. so what if it's 2 fucking bars. I mean. walan erhh. f it manz. it's still an f solo. COME ON. get serious laa. Work with you on tone, say it's boring, Work with you on articulation, say it's boring. wanna watch TV. that's all you wanna do erh. come on laa. what's wrong with you manz. sighs. don't understand your attitude at all. come on, in the face of difficulty you run away. How the f you are gonna carry on with life next time manz. ARGH.
little sisters can be so annoying at times manz. sighs. really arhh. please tolong tolong. WAKE UP MANZ. when are you guys wanna wake up. One say don't like science science difficult. then one the attitude like that also.
sighs. aiya. whatever you guys wanna do just go do laa. I've tried. really tried. and like, yeah, this time, is not i dun wanna teach already arhh. the attitude like that already. and unless you gals change it. there's nothing more that i can do.
-just ignore me-