Thursday, July 24, 2008 / 10:16 AM
weather: rained in the night
25th July 2008
Music: beethoven's symphony no 7 in A major, 1st and 4th movement.
well, came back from the syf closing ceromony, which is done by the top few primary school bands. and man, am i impressed and feeling motivated. it's probably one of the best concerts i've ever been too. so much cheoreography, accompanied by good music. and like, one of the moves, was my "riding horse whilist playing with heart and voice", anyhow, they were all damn impressive. I was most impressed by peixin primary school, and also by maha bodhi school. But peixin was very impressive yup. haha. from the way they played, break dancers were even present when they were playing their cheoreographed piece. as for Mbs, yeahh, their ending was nice. haha. and so was the set piece. Mr simon Ng, ever since band fiesta, is a conductor that i admire and respect. Really arhh, somemore, you look at the way those bands, be it concert or brass bands, all together. their movements. like all up together, all down together. and it's uber duper neat and smart. sighs, wonder why i tried implementing this in haising, as in the up together part, and it never seems to work. perhaps, im a lousy sl during that time. And in TJ band? haha, im not really sure about that either. anyhow, sso doesnt even up together and stuff anyway, i guess, in my point of view, band, is not just a bout the music, though most of it is about the music, but presentation, up together down together and all the cool movements are part of it too. The friendship that lasts, the hardwork put in. perhaps, thats what i think, band, should be in my point of view. not just about the music. and anyhow, i've never ever slept in one band concert before. BAND ROCKS. haha. anyhow, got addicted to beethoven. rough yet gentle, the kindda style i've been looking for a long long time. ah well. band. My dream? to be a good player, who takes up band as a recreation, and not a profession. But hte playing standard is still admirable. haha.
event 2: pw meeting, class stuff.
these 2 shots, my pw group 105, and our full class shot.finally, i got hands on these 2, which i've been looking for for very long. Photo shots mean just oh so much around me. it's that memory, that keeps in there, forever. liked, locked in that rectangular shot forever. right.

sighs, mrs lim is gonna leave on teachers day, morning somemore. so qiao. sighs. and mr ho and ye lao shi is leaving next week already. For econs, I hope to at least pull up my grade to a C by promos. and for chinese, i hope that i can reach that A. dont worry laoshi men, i will do well for the subjects! i promise. sighs, better dont go on, gonna get emo.
Anyhow, haha, the last pw meeting was FUN.
see what i mean. XD. we played game of life! haha. and meanwhile, that dya, cos of the nice air con and the nice weather, everyone was tired at my house. haha. did a bit of pw, with surveys sent out to all my firends and i think they were nice enough to do it for me. haha. and also, we did a bit of planning here and there. 105 rocks. haha. sighs. i hope part 2 will turn out fine.
going to hantu this sunday with debby they all. I hope that we can answer to them. =/
today's was pilot testing with sam's group also, had some fun there, and like, LUCKILY MSHS DIDNT COLLABORATE WITH US. I CANT IMAGINE WHAT WOULD'VE HAPPENED. THANK YOU SO MUCH 106. YOU GUYS ROCK. haha. anyhow. yeah the math trail today was somewhat fun, get to see all kinds of group. And learnt how different groups worked togehter. some were horrible. others were very good. like, one group even just sat there waiting for one person to complete the question. what the hell. sighs. ahh well, i really hope pilot test part 2 will turn out fine. *prays hard* that we can find an audience. haha, anyway, pw meetings are getting fun. I hope, that, sighs. nvm. ah well. jiayou 105. crap. its 1..34am alr. and meeting's tmr. faints. IM GONNA DIE. ESP ITS AN EARLY MORNING. haha. perhaps i shall go band room to slack a while after im done. or perhaps, work on my online assignments. D;.
event/thing 3: QUIZ.
okay, anyhow, THANK YOU XINYUN FOR THE QUIZ! (:. haha. here goes.
Quiz time! (:Name 20 facts about yourself, then tag 5 people to do this quiz.
1) I learnt calligraphy when i was young, haha, cant believe it right. and i was in CO for primary school, and was the concert master way back then. but it's all history, so forget it. haha.
2) I LOVE CHOCOLATE and all stuff related to it, perhaps, MILO? and KIT KAT? and cadbury? OH, and, haha, whenever im sad, my fav drink in the WWW, TRIPLE CHOC MILK. omg. haha.
3) i hope that i can join a wind orch in the future when i grad from studies, like say phil harm, or i dunno, haha.
4) I'm a band freak.[relates to point 3]
5) pictures mean a lot to me, and, like, yeah, it's the thing other than my studies and flute and family that means alot ot me.
6) I am only in TAF for 2 whole years so far in my life, which is P5 and sec 2. cant believe it right, for one fatso like me.
7) I cant keep secrets, dang, hate this. seriously. Hate this hate this, but no worries and trying to change anyway.
8) Im a life saver! haha. I already completed my bronze cross course. Finishing off AM, distinction and life guard ranks soon. haha.
9)I've always loved stuff to do with water, be it swimming diving or whatsoever. and actually, i kindda wanted to be a teacher, but not anymore, haha, i wanna become a marine biologist from now on. haha. cos, EVER SINCE I MET DEBBY, DIVING IS UBER COOL AND I'LL JOIN THE HANTU BLOGGERS ONCE I CAN DO SO. XD
10)currently, I play the flute. but still learning. I regret not taking up piano when i was young. haha. Violin sounds really nice too, and so does oboe. haha. im in love with k314.(:
11) I listen to all arrays of music, although everyone prototypes my repertoire towards band. =.=. haha. LIKE sometimes, i like classical music, like beethovens symphonies, and BUTTERFLY LOVERS CONCERTO. xD. haha. and, at times, i need high songs from disney or high school musical, or sometimes, just purely flute. oh, but my favourite of all time, has to be the claude bolling suite. haha.((:. ESPIELGLE, AMOUREUSE, ENTRAMIS, VAGABONDE, PASTORALE, AFFECTUSE, INTIME, JAZZY. woots~ haha. and i cant believe i got addicted to orchestra ever since i came back from the snyo concert.[thanks kj. haha.]
12) I liked a girl for 6 years straight. No one can believe this., but yes, from p6 to j1 mid year. yup, right now, haha, i kindda like someone else alr. but, dont bother figuring out who it is la. yups.
13) I LOVE MATH, but then arhh, in exams, once i get stressed, thats it, my grades will be somewhere near just pass.
14) i get tensed/stressed VERY VERY VERY EASILY. [pokes xy, asks her to agree.] sighs. I realise that once im tensed be it studies, flute or whatsoever, i will not be able to get it right. Im a person who needs to relax, as in, SERIOUSLY relax, to do things right. and, im a responsible dude. and i hate giving things up halfway. so yeah, I like to do things to the best that i can. Just dont stress/pressurize me.
15) I was born on the 11th october. and guess what, this is one day before the official opening of the esplanade. haha. anyhow i realised that, snowball's bday is on the 8th, flora is on the 10th, me is on the 11th and jings is on the 12th. Neat hur. haha. just one more person on the 9th, and we can sing happy birthday for an entire week in school.
16)I go back to my primary school every year on teachers day even though many many ppl after sec 1 dont go back anymore.
17)im a neat freak. haha, trust me on this, i hate things disorganised. oh and im a score goker too. haha. I LOVE SCORES.
18) I love duetting. haha, be it with hsc flautists like lihong toshikasa. and like, with baohui, nick or etc. OH YEAH, MY FAV FAV FAV PLACE IN TJC is the staircase near the band room. haha. me and nick chua always goes there to play. haha. gosh, cos of the nice echoy sound. anyhow, i love duetting. haha. as long as the tune and everything is nice. haha
19)I've got senior phobia. ever since i was sec 1. thanks to xinhui toshikasa. as in, serious senior phobia.
20) I've got a rich vocabulary of bad words inside me. and im famous for inventing words of the past tense and misuing words, such as mother monkey and marikita. haha. and i have the tendency to mis pronouce composers name. LIKE CHOR-PAN to CHOP-IN. and BACH TO BASH. nice right. and it gets xy, kj or whosoever laughing. anyhow, haha, yeah, i've got the tendency to mix english words with chinese words too. and at times, jap or whatsoever. haha. I can mimic ppl too, you can ask me to imitate, and i'll try. haha
5 ppl to do this? well.
1) Bao hui
2) michelle(mei)
3)Wei siong
5) andrea
haha, whew, and i thought the quiz was damn hard to do. and i finished it. haha. anyhow, yeah, e learning week is... sighs, i dont understand the deviation thing. sighs. ADSJFLKAJS;FLJAS. GP, BIO AND CHI AND IM DONE.. i'd chiong tmr. anyhow, cant blog much anw, im tired, meanwhile, check out the class blog. haha. WOOTS. im satisfied. though it's not completed yet. haha.
(sometimes, i really hate this stupid telling secrets out personality of mine. but im trying to learn to shut up. and dont worry i will. shucks manz. seriously, i think i gotta learn how to step back and only offer help should ppl ask it from me. stupid idiot me. i really hate it when i step in and things get worse, or at least, watch things get worse. TJ love horror stories. so many, in band, class, whatsoever, it;s just the breaking up part thats damn scary. and quarrels too. Perhaps, I might not tell her, but then again, i promised that i'll at least try to voice out that i like her, if i score well for my promos, enter mazarin and get into outward bound. sighs. ah well. shucks. im so screwd 5 hours of sleep and tmr is pw meeting. going off. sighs.)
Friday, July 18, 2008 / 8:31 AM
weather: sunny
18th July 2008
music: danceries, nostadamaus, would you be there
so week 4 flew by. and after this week, we won't be able to see many many of our teachers ever again. Somehow today, when singing the farewell song to mrs lim, i almost cried. i stopped singing halfway and continue clapping with the class. and today,, when ye lao shi is about to leave also, seriously, there's a sense of loss deep in me. To think that i was so against ye lao shi during her first few days, sighs, i guess it's human nature that we dunno how to treasure whatever that is in our lives, it's only when we lose it that we realise how important actually how this thing/person mean. I miss ye lao shi, i miss Mr ho, I miss mrs lim, i miss all of them alr. and seriously, today in class, i felt freakishly horrible deep within. All the teachers that has ever left me is like those, who like seriously ever cared. I didnt really have teachers who can care for me till the extent of willing to stay back just for me to clarify my doubts. Not even mrs Tang or mdm zaibon( from hsc), the day 1st september, will be the day that mrs lim is gonna leave us, to go california, for 2 whole years. This feels like the time that Amit was leaving. I'm just so afraid, that i might end up crying there. I really hope not, cos when Amit left, i cried. When mrs lim is gonna leave, our whole class is gonna be there, and i think im gonna contact all the PAE ppl also. gosh, im feeling so terrible right now. I feel like crying. Perhaps, i shall cry myself to sleep tonight. I dunno. crap, tears.
sighs, other than that, band was okay today. today, on the later part of band, i kindda like my tone/playing. I dunno. things seemed to be fine. Im not sure. it has been a really long time since i liked my playing. I dunno. really. I dunno. But no matter how hard i try, i can never ever be like kj, xy, or ct. It's like perhaps, the commitment to music, for me, is horrible. I've tried. i've seriously tried to excel both in band and studies. But looks like, fate only allows me to choose one to excel in. and, i dunno. forget it. I SUCK. anw, today danceries was really nice. and i liked gong qi jun, and the band heard nostradamaus today. i love those pieces manz. sighs. stayed back a while with bao hui, and if you ask her, ZOMG, i love my playing today(in the later parts of band) especially when it got to the stair case there(though the sound there is always nice) it' nicer than before. OKAY, you know what, forget this whole paragraph la. sighs. forget it. seriously, don't bother.
Perhaps, today is an emotional rollercoaster ride day. From high feelings, to low feelings, I duno, today is just, sighs, in conclusion, great and horrible.
ytd: sso/sharon bezaly's concert.
thank you kj, thank you wang lao shi for the tickets. that day was an okay day. thanks so much really, that i get to hear sso for the first time in my life. oh, and also for the tickets to the snyo concert. haha, that day zomg, was kenna ga chaioed a bit. The concert was mm, i didnt really understood much of the piece, so, yeah, but i felt that she was an okay player. Perhaps the piece didnt really show off her skill?nvm, i shant comment. im just an amateur junioristic flautist anw. But she's somewhat amazing too, like when the orch is playing, you can see her fingers flying. Ooo. and i kindda liked the way she expressed herself on her flute, haha( finally a flautist that moves something like me when i play) ---> points to heart and voice, points to disco party 3. okay. nvm, but zong er yan zi, that day was quite fine. and, sighs, 6 years ofliking gone, it's finally subsided, i guess, it's time i let go too. and i actually fell for another. sighs. nvm. had omg, talks about dreams, sex, i dunno anything under the sun with kj and xy that day too. and talked to kj a bit also about stuff? was kindda enjoyable though, both the talks and the concert, again thank you so much xy, kj(:. you guys rock!
meeting with debby(hantu bloggers)
what can i say? amazing. seriously, I've never ever regretted meeting debby. our group 105 met with debby at the tcc somewhere near wheelock place and the royal thai embassy. Our group was kindda late, unprepared. but debby was really nice to provide so much information, so much help, and even treated us to whatever we ordered. (lucky we said we eat lunch alr). and, it somehow got our grouped so inspired and motivated to work this pilot test properly out and like, learn diving at the year end and join hantu bloggers. I dunno whether it's due to tiredness, but todays meeting in class was somewhat, unproductive. I guess everyone is tired.
oh yeah, and the getting back of report cards. oh manz, making me think of mrs lim again.):.
My grades, my "amazing", darn most "amazing" grades in the world.
SB(2 H1S, 1 more pw, but no grade)
ESEU. can you believe it. what f horrible results la. sighs, and all my teachers believe in me that i can do it. I guess, it's high time i return the favour? im not really sure. anw, you guys wanna see the comments? ah well, i will post it up anw.
Math H2(mr gan): Jermain is a studious boy who is keen to improve himself. He is making steady progress in his studies and is capable of achieveing better results if he continues to work hard.
[jerm comments: omg, is mr gan like serious. I don't do tutorials sometimes in class, some lessons i dun even listen to him at all. omg. im a horrible person, and furthermore, im always so against him and he's became nicer to the whole class. sighs, jerm, reflect]
Chem H2(mr goh): He is motivated to do well but he should sort out his concepts and not mix them up
[jerm comments: sighs, sometimes, i feel like meeting mr goh up to clarify my doubts, but, aik. i dont have his contact. okay, maybe i should go and get and ask him. I wanna score. for chem]
Bio h2(mrs lim): Jermain is a good student and shows a keen interest in the subject. However, he did not do as well as expexted. Itr could be due to his time management as he is also commiteted to his PDP and spends a large propotion of his times on rehearsals. He needs to learn to prioritise and learn not to take things lightly, especially when it comes to studies.
[jerm comments: I SUCK. can't even manage my time properly. D;]
Econs H2( mr ho): Jermain has a pleasant disposition that endears him well with his classmates. Has consistently showed the desire to keep up with the pace of tutorials despite his often hectic PDP schedule. Better time management and prioritisation should allow jermain to cope with the challenges of the subject and JC education in general
[jerm comments; time management again. and omg, econs is the sub i got U.. horrible.]
gp(mr aulia): Jermain is a good natured student who has the potential to do well in GP. He needs to formulatae his opinions clearly and concsiely to maximise this potential.
[jerm comments, my percentile for gp, is 10. which is horrible, sighs, looks like i gotta start reading papers]
Chinese(ye lao shi): A keen learner, he pays attention in class and clarifies his doubts. He is able to express his ideas and thoughts with clarity.
[jerm comments: thank you ye lao shi. but, sighs, im just gonna miss you manz.)':]
PW(gan): [everyone in class got the same thing, except mine got1 add line] Jermain needs to learn that it is important to understand the task requirement of each stage of pw before embarking on it to be efficent as an individal or group. So far he has been taking initiative in refiniing the gpp.
[jerm comments: -no comments-]
civics tutor comments(mrs lim): Jermain has been rather busy with his PDP and has very little rest. He should start practicing time management. He seems hapy to be involved in his pdp, but that might have taken alot of time away from him. He needs to learn to priorities. other than that, jermain is a very nice boy, courteous and attentive in calss. When in doubts, he will make an effort to look for the tutor to clarify.
[jerm comments: sighs.. hate myself]
okay, so thats about it. Basically it's time management. seriously, im so useless, i can't even manage my own time properly. hate it. stupid dumb da bian marikita. ROAR.
sighs, i guess, the moral of the story for today is,
-better time management
-to treasure things around you.
i guess everything is kindda like a race against time. when something goes off, you'll never know. and like, when time passes, it will never ever come back. I guess until someone invents the time machine. ah well.
im off. feeling drained, tired? i dunno. just feeling perhaps, lost.
lets hope next week, i'll be able to do loads and loads and loads of work
go jerms.
Monday, July 14, 2008 / 8:35 AM
Weather: slight drizzles
14th July 2008
music: beethovens symphony no 7 in A major, 4th movement.
woa. did the strengths quest thing, wonder if anyone got the same qualities as me. haha. finding it true though, mmm.
Theme Description
You love to learn. The subject matter that interests you most will be determined by your other themes and experiences, but whatever the subject, you will always be drawn to the process of learning. The process, more than the content or the result, is especially exciting for you. You are energized by the steady and deliberate journey from ignorance to competence. The thrill of the first few facts, the early efforts to recite or practice what you have learned, the growing confidence of a skill mastered—this is the process that entices you. Your excitement leads you to engage in adult learning experiences—yoga or piano lessons or graduate classes. It enables you to thrive in dynamic work environments where you are asked to take on short project assignments and are expected to learn a lot about the new subject matter in a short period of time and then move on to the next one. This Learner theme does not necessarily mean that you seek to become the subject matter expert, or that you are striving for the respect that accompanies a professional or academic credential. The outcome of the learning is less significant than the “getting there.”
Theme Description
Your Achiever theme helps explain your drive. Achiever describes a constant need for achievement. You feel as if every day starts at zero. By the end of the day you must achieve something tangible in order to feel good about yourself. And by “every day” you mean every single day—workdays, weekends, vacations. No matter how much you may feel you deserve a day of rest, if the day passes without some form of achievement, no matter how small, you will feel dissatisfied. You have an internal fire burning inside you. It pushes you to do more, to achieve more. After each accomplishment is reached, the fire dwindles for a moment, but very soon it rekindles itself, forcing you toward the next accomplishment. Your relentless need for achievement might not be logical. It might not even be focused. But it will always be with you. As an Achiever you must learn to live with this whisper of discontent. It does have its benefits. It brings you the energy you need to work long hours without burning out. It is the jolt you can always count on to get you started on new tasks, new challenges. It is the power supply that causes you to set the pace and define the levels of productivity for your work group. It is the theme that keeps you moving.
Theme Description
“Wouldn’t it be great if . . .” You are the kind of person who loves to peer over the horizon. The future fascinates you. As if it were projected on the wall, you see in detail what the future might hold, and this detailed picture keeps pulling you forward, into tomorrow. While the exact content of the picture will depend on your other strengths and interests—a better product, a better team, a better life, or a better world—it will always be inspirational to you. You are a dreamer who sees visions of what could be and who cherishes those visions. When the present proves too frustrating and the people around you too pragmatic, you conjure up your visions of the future and they energize you. They can energize others, too. In fact, very often people look to you to describe your visions of the future. They want a picture that can raise their sights and thereby their spirits. You can paint it for them. Practice. Choose your words carefully. Make the picture as vivid as possible. People will want to latch on to the hope you bring.
Theme Description
Your Responsibility theme forces you to take psychological ownership for anything you commit to, and whether large or small, you feel emotionally bound to follow it through to completion. Your good name depends on it. If for some reason you cannot deliver, you automatically start to look for ways to make it up to the other person. Apologies are not enough. Excuses and rationalizations are totally unacceptable. You will not quite be able to live with yourself until you have made restitution. This conscientiousness, this near obsession for doing things right, and your impeccable ethics, combine to create your reputation: utterly dependable. When assigning new responsibilities, people will look to you first because they know it will get done. When people come to you for help—and they soon will—you must be selective. Your willingness to volunteer may sometimes lead you to take on more than you should.
Theme Description
You see the potential in others. Very often, in fact, potential is all you see. In your view no individual is fully formed. On the contrary, each individual is a work in progress, alive with possibilities. And you are drawn toward people for this very reason. When you interact with others, your goal is to help them experience success. You look for ways to challenge them. You devise interesting experiences that can stretch them and help them grow. And all the while you are on the lookout for the signs of growth—a new behavior learned or modified, a slight improvement in a skill, a glimpse of excellence or of “flow” where previously there were only halting steps. For you these small increments—invisible to some—are clear signs of potential being realized. These signs of growth in others are your fuel. They bring you strength and satisfaction. Over time many will seek you out for help and encouragement because on some level they know that your helpfulness is both genuine and fulfilling to you.
sighs im so demoralized cos of the pilot test thing, it's like work until so damn bloody hard alr. and everything is there and right now, the school that we're supposed to work with backed out. darn. stupid vp, it's just 1 word of yes, and everything flows. and you! stupid you, make us slog nights and stuff and EVERYTHING IS READY. AND F IT. YOU SAID NO. woa, SERIOUSLY ARH, despite my tiredness now, feeling so ANGRY. and sighs. still got loads of work to do.
going off. cya guys.
Sunday, July 13, 2008 / 6:12 AM
weather: cloudy
13th July 2008
music: symphony no 7 in A major, 4th movement, beethoven
haha, just back from dinner with er yi. haha. actually, somehow, learnt that at times that you desperately need to relax, you are the most tense. And that times when you're supposed to be tensed, you're the most relaxed. strange world. haha. but then, she kindda said one line, that when we laugh, we must laugh heartily, that way, it will help to exercise our diapragm and lungs and keep it healthy. Maybe, that's the secret. Yup, to doing well in jc. perhaps, the elements of stress are there to tense you up. Some ppl thrive under stress conditions, others under relaxed conditions. And for most of us, i think that we tend to fall in the relaxed conditions. and for me, is more on the extreme relaxed side. Tmr, perhaps, im gonna try something new. that is to smile, laugh and be cheerful and happy all day. No matter what happens. Even if it's things that make me sad/unhappy, i will try to look at the positive side of it. I've said that many times that i will look at the positive side of things and stay happy, but perhaps, er yi's line really opened me up. I mean, when we do things that we love/like and are not forced to do, dont you find that we do it 1000000x better(:. heee. i shall try okay. to stay happy and be happy and stay focused during lessons. anyways, there's sectionals tmr, lets see how things go. and there's an interview with the mshs principal for pw, and there might be a possibility of clashing. I really hope it won't clash. mmm. gotta start working on my flute, and with kj's tips in the morning, plus eryi's line, i hope that tmr things will turn out fine.
anw, xy, if you so happen to pop by, jiayou for your H3 music assignment.(:. im sure you can do it. haha. stay happy k.(: haha
and i think that, sometimes, i shouldnt worry so much. cos, alot of times, i worry about things that i shouldnt even have bothered worrying about. sighs. nvm, i must learn to stop worrying over every single thing in my life. actions speak louder than thoughts anw.(:
oh no, i feel like doing a quiz now. haha. k, i shall do one before i go do my EoM. sighs. here goes!
okay. i shall do it another time, got work to do lers. oh manz.
ah well. cya guys round.
-jErM, jiayou everyone(:
Thursday, July 10, 2008 / 8:08 AM
weather: night
10th July 2008
music: Nostadamaus, would you be there.
sighs. today, is just one of those days, which i had hope for some company by me. I did have kairu by my side, as i went back to hsc with her to collect our SGCS, but when reach there the stupid office closed, but, thanks kr so much anw(:. travelled back home alone. I dunno why, and i cant explain it, you know sometimes you just need someone by your side, and it's not cos you wanna rant your troubles or not, but it's like just being there, maybe like follow you around or like, i dunno, hear you out whenever you feel like speaking. I guess i can understand how you felt at that time alr. Perhaps, sometimes we get random feelings, like we can get sad out of nowhere, or suddenlly just feel like laughing(xinyun, fiesta times), perhaps, this is one time, which i had hoped that i had someone by my side all day. My jcts results are out, and from the way i look at it, if this keeps up for promos, haha, die. seriously. It's time i do something bout it, though depressed, but, as kairu has always said to me, not to give up. At one time, i was about to stop vibratoing all together, and wanted to give up cos i couldnt, and kr said don't, giving up is for losers, and tt line had stay with me ever since, I will and must jiayou for PROMOS. and i can do it. I know i have that strength, somewhere, just somewhere inside me. sighs. ah well, it will go away after a goods nights sleep. for now, i just hope i can pass my promos with colours. or if possible flying ones. sighs. see how baas. and thank you kj for the concern on msn(:, thats if you ever hop by. haha.
sighs, and like wooo. i spent 4 hours on class blog. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT. MTF. omg, i could've like spent the time doing work. BAHH. 4 HOURS IS ALOT. THE OPPURTUNITY COST. faints. omg. now its like 11.15 and im totally tired. Im going off to bed ler laa. but if you guys want, can go to the 22/08 column and see the blog created by JERMAIN CHO KOI HONG, which is me, me and myself. (bhb). haha. omg, and like i spent like 4 hours trying to collate profiles and like, zomg, nvm, you guys just go that site and click on the names of everyone in class, and like everyone's profile will come up. amazing eh. haha. ah well. i guess, i hope the class will like it. cos, yeah pumped in loads of effort to that blog. I really hope mrs lim will like it to. sighs, it's 1/2 done i would say.
band tmr. let's see how things will go. D;.
I wanna study, desperately.
Saturday, July 5, 2008 / 7:44 PM
weather: normal skies
6th July 2008
Music: Would you be there- xing fu shuang ren chuang (omg, this is my current blog song, haha, the lyrics are damn uber sweet, omg, haha. i shall sing this on my wedding dayyy. hahaha. =p)
OKAY. THIS POSTS IS PICTURES GALORE. haha. I bet you silent readers out there, haha. WHO BLOG HOPS MY BLOG WOULD BE VERY HAPPY. RIGHT CHERYL? RIGHT XINYUN? RIGHT FLORA? RIGHT WEI SIONG? hahahhaa. cos, my blog is always words words words words. hahaha. and finally, one posts that i shall let pictures do the talking. Again, this post is not in chronological order. it's the other way round.

event 1: JCTS results
okay. dad just bought me a new laptop, and recently, a lot of other cool new gadgets. Thank you so much papa. haha.(:. okay, and i organized my stuff in the computer. haha. okay, and i found this cool new picture. Omg, wouldn't it be so cool if we can escape to that waterfallplace. =///. oh manz. haha. okay. sighs. recently, we got back our jcts results. right now, there's only econs and gp left to get back. and, my results sucks. This is the first time i did so badly for any major exam. and i guess it's high time for reflection already. yups. apparently, family thinks im doing well in school? I duno. only mum knows. sighs. with bio and chem somewhere near 40%, math like 38/83, sighs, it's high time i reflect on what i've been doing. it's high time to change my study methods already. yup. like, practice better time management skills. yups. but so far, the only good result so far is chinese, which only left the compo to get back. I hope i didn't do too badly. so far, it's only section B, the oral and the listening compre, and all are so far not bad. So i hope that, the paper 2 will be better. Looks like jerm, it'shigh time to become more disciplined. though during the holidays i did study, But i guess it's high time i practice better time management skills. yups. and im only saving friday evenings to slack slack. Yups. JERMS, HERE GOES TO A WONDERFUL SEMESTER 2. AND EVERYONE ELSE OUT THERE WHO'VE PUT IN EFFORT FOR JCTS, LETS ALL JIAYOU AND CONTINUE WORK HARD HARD, AND LET'S PAWNZ PROMOS OKAY. haha. So goodbye mazarin project, Let's try for H3s at the year end promos. go jerms! you've created miracles in haising, so why not here in TJ. both flute and studies. let's go manz. =). and for swimming today, quite lan ler arhh, better go start training my hand strength. yups. it's been long since i've improved. D;.
event 2: PW MEETING
haha. woa. there was pw meeting yesterday, and the meeting was quite fine(:. heehee. 105 ROCKS TO MY MAX CORE. haha. we cam whorred. things for our project work are starting to fall in place and come together, Ican't wait to see the final product. haha. The pilot test at pulau tioman? OH YEAH. hahaha. I CANT WAIT.(:. hahahaha. oh boy! and i do hope mr ho can come along! weeeeee~ haha. okay. enjoy the pics. I LIKE THE FIRST ONE. IT'S RIGHT LIGHTING+). AND PICTURES DO MEAN LOTS TO ME. haha.

HAHAHHAA. I LOVE 105, 105 IS <3333/>18. hahahhaha. ZOMG. i love my group manz. LI HUI, KHEH YANG, SHING JIUAN AND MAY. YOU GUYS ALL ROCKS. hahaha. seriously, i can't wait to see the final product, and thankyou that i have such a rocking group. woa. it's either we are going to score really well or... mmm. so the extremes eh.ahahha. omg, those pictures are so nice. I can't wait for the one where may comes in, it will look so duper extremely nice.(:. haha. thank you 105. haha. and if you guys wanna know. THE other guy besides me is khehyang.h aha. The girl in grey sweater is LILI, or lihui(:. haha. the bubbly girl, is SJ, and i can't wait for MAY TO COME IN. hahahaha. omg. let's create a pw blog manz. hahaha. omg, and a shirt is coming up alr. haha. we're so on. tian arhh. I can't wait. Other than band/flutes, you guys are the ones keeping me too.(:. thank you 105. seriously, haha, i can't wait manz.(: yesterday was conducive yet not conducive, got things done, i wouldnt say a lot, but i wouldnt say very little too. haha. let's go 105. let's go manz. CODENAME SCUBA SCOVE.(:
EVENT 3: 4TH JULY, mama's bday, american independence day, A level chinese oral day, stomach cramp day
sighs. that day in school was chinese oral day. The topic was quite okay. i stumbled a bit, but other than that, I got a cheena guy as a tester. Every sentence i say, it's like mmm. mmm.. mmm. mmm. yeah lor. haha. and he was like when i finished ni ke yi zou lers. But he didnt asked if i have anymore things to say. Ah well. I hope for the best, cos before the oral, i can say like tons and tons of chinese. oh manz. sighs. Let's hope for the best. and good luck to everyone for their chinese orals. After chinese orals, I got a bit of stomach pain. and during band, was having stomach cramps(during band i didnt know, thought it was gastric or sth), and my tone was horribly airy. omg. the stomach cramps got worse when i went outta school. cos that day was mum's bday, we went out for dinner. dad fetched me home to shower and change. and my tummy hurts like hell. Mum gave me some medicine and helped me to press my hand(reflexology), the pain lessened thereafter. During dinner i had some meesua, while my family ate rice and stuff. and by the end of dinner, the pain subsided. I didnt bring along my specs that day, so like. grrr. everything was blur, dad brought the whole family out to the singapore flyer. yup. luckily, sis brought along her specs, her left eye degree is the same as my right. so i had to squint squint abit up there. THE THING IS DAMN ROMANTIC/ suited for lovers i tell you. haha. i plan to bring my gf there next time, tts if i will ever have time. haha. And dad is such a sweet husband. every year, mum's bday, he does something different for her and this year so happens to be the spore flyer. We were the last one to go up the flyer. Almost didnt made it, cos the thing closed at 10pm. yups. and like. luckily we were the last ones. we went to the cabin and headed up. On the way up, WE SUNG BDAY SONG FOR MAMA. hahaha. omg. it was so fun, to surpirse her. haha. I love suprises don't u. ah well. enough crappping. haha. you guys enjoy the pics(:.



and that ends my 4th July. yups. haha. happy bday mama(:. and here's to 1 year older yeah. haha.
Event 4: a trip down to pasir ris park
there was one day, wher ei can't remember which, but i remember that morning, okay, but that morning, mum scolded all of us in the morning as dion they all cant finish their work, but things seemed to be fine thereafter. we went to pasir ris park, and like from there, sharol, dion and mum went to the play area. same for me and natasha, but thereafter, both of us went to the side of the sea to like stay there a while. to like emo and stuff? i dunno. it was quite nice by the sea and i long to do that again with no worries and etc. anyway, that day turned out fine. you guys enjoy the pictures, they're quite nice really. haha. taken from my phone. yups
dinner at bedok and like, ended of the day. yups. so that day was kindda fine. cos i brought nat to somewhere near the lifesaving place, where we had our bronze cross. was quite fine. haha. so that marks the end of the day. yup.
to:___ and____
I think that, it's quite a waste to give it up don't you guys think? come on, everything that happens, be it good or bad, i guess it's all about perspective. You can view it as half full or half empty. Like eg, my jcts, when i first got back my results, i was feeling pretty down right horrible. right now, results sucks, and fluting sucks alot and has deterioriated alot from concert. But still, for studies, I can view it as like, sighs, lousy results i suck, or i can view it as, omg, lucky for all the study sessions with andrea, samuel, oliver, shawn, Or else i might have scored much much worse, and also thank you xy, cheryl and ws for all the study sessions. I can view it either or. Though my results are bad, there are some ppl who did worse. and seriously, i can choose to view it either or don't you think? like half full or half empty. so guys, you guys can try to like view matters from different perspectives? I guess, One says that the other breaks the promises everytime and that hurts? And the other says that the other isnt there for him/her when he/she needed him. But from a general view that i see, I still feel that, no matter what happens, both of you will always be there for each other don't you guys feel(:. come on, you both can make this thing work, jiayou both of you okay! seriously,don't ever think that the other party won't be there for you. Cos i guess, both of you will always be there for each other(:.
okay, im off to do math, flute, bio, pw. yups! and here goes to the rest of my 9,10 hours. haha. And you guys should know my blogging style ler laa. haha. I mean like, it's always 1 week 1 extremely long long post. yups. so wait for the next week okay(:. cya guys.