haha. yup, from the pictures above, i guess you guys could roughly guess what happened in our last PW meeting. haha. It was really like, the last pw meeting of our lives. For this subject pw, haha, started off with meeting them at Tampines MRT control station, and then, heading down to my house for the last meeting. Used sis's room for OP rehearsals again. Working on ky's voice projection and stammering, Sj's speed, my-sometime-stammers. haha. and lh is already almost close to perfect. hahaha. so helped each other out at my house first. haha, sj and lh got fascinated by my sisters room, and they went mad over the syvylian family house that Dion has. haha. yup, thereafter, we headed off to ri ben cun near my house for an afternoon lunch. haha. the meal there was all right. haha. Was having a good time laughing at how SJ and KY wanted to separate bacon and asparagus. hahaa. but thereafter, we headed down to underneath some of the nearby block, where the atmostphere was somewhat like 419. haha. practiced there, head back to my house, and continued last rehearsals, with sj, lh watching tv, and me being obsessed over pet society. haha, and ky still staying focused and stuff. hahaha. headed down to tampines mall thereafter, haha, went to look at swimming stuff, and then i headed up to artbox, bought stuff. haha, thereafter, everyone left. Sharol came, met her, went to century square, ate prata, and tepenyaki.(another round of jap) haha, until damn full, came home, and slept at around 11+.
Event 2: OP, actual day.
following that last meeting, it was then the actual OP day. J2s were having their GP paper. 105 met 107 first in the morning, then went separate ways. Did one last reherasal, and headed up to 419, at about 7.45-7.50. we were the last group for that slot, and there were 2 classes in front of us. One on the modernization on light, and the other, on modernization, Cultural journey. Kindda felt that we impressed/stand out more, well reasons? I think if you want the reasons, ask from me online will be better. yup. (so after the 2 groups presented) it was 105. With our WONDERFUL SLIDES, and PREPAREDNESS. haha. Everyone of us DIDNT EVEN REFERED TO OUR CUE CARDS, and everyone just confidently spoke. haha. May was fine as usual, Lihui dropped her cue cards, but she calmly picked them up, and in the usual confident way, continued speaking. Well, I was fine too i guess, haha, ehh 105, " A- MUNG." hahahha. i didnt mis pronounce my words. haha. but i felt myself trembling, and my throat was running dry in the presentation. haha. But still managed to project my voice and stuff. haha. KY, my dear kiasu boy, haha, Im very sure that the whole group is damn proud of you. That day, he went up with his cue cards, didnt even referred to it at all, of which he usually needs to refer, didnt stammer(not that i can remember of), and its like as though he was singing his script. haha, and SJ, well she started of really fast, but then lucky it was only the start, when she looked at us, and all of us were giving her hand signals to slow down. haha. and thereafter, everything turned out fine. The examiners took quite some time(as compared to the other 2 groups) to look for our questions, and, the questions were... but i guess we all did fine. But they all were tricky, they switched me and KY's part, as in, they asked me on Ky's part, and asked him about my part. haha. We came out, feeling happy that it was over. Met in the canteen, waited for Van's group to go to Jurong East. We came out, feeling a little drained, but its like "yea, its finally done with and over" kindda thing.
Event 2: Swimming experience with 105, 107.
Thereafter, 107 came..which consists of Van, SH, drea, LL and YT. and we all headed down to Long john's for a meal there, except for May and LL, who've got some other things on. SJ didnt follow uus to Jurong east, but 105 and 107 headed down to the swimming complex. Playing all sorts of lame stuff on the way there, haha, especially intriguing ky, which was damn fun. haha. and everything laa, which made the journey seem so much shorter. Thereafter, from interchange, we took a bus to the place. and guess what, we told the uncle 1000000x onto reminding us where to stop, and he forgotten bout it just cos he was talking to some uncle. but nvm, we rao yi da quan, and got back to the stop, and walked there, finally, we reached there.. okay, when we reached there, it was still closed. So, we waited at KFC. when we could finally enter, everyone was uber excited, got floats, got lockers, and stripped into our swim wear. and we first had fun at the lazy river. After 2 rounds of the lazy river, we were about to get onto the slide. when suddenly, lightning streaked across the sky, accompanying with a lion-loud thunder. We all had to wait for the lighting to "jie san". meanwhile, we again chatted and talked and stuff. Finally, after a half an hour wait, we were allowed to go into the pool again, me, lh and drea, headed up to the blue slide, the longest of longest slides, and wooshed our way down, screaming through like some mad ppl. haha, we tried the pink slides and stuff also. haha. thereafter, headed down to the wave pool/tsunami pool, haha, we all went to the deep end and waited for the wave to be activated, haha, when it was, guess how mad we all went. okay, imagine, you're in the middle of the ocean, when waves are damn strong and huge, haha, we all held hands in a circle, with the girls on floats and the guys in between the floats and we were turning round and round. haha, everyone went giddy la. haha. We shouted beta cheers, and shouted the school song. hahaha. and we saw a rainbow whilst all that was happening, in the pool of course. We also tried forming a star with our legs, interlocking legs btw everyone trying not to get lost and stuff. Thereafter, slacked at the jacuzi. haha. after slacking a while, me, drea and lh decided to go mad again and played withthe slides again. wish-wooshing down everything. screaming in the slides. It was like some echo chamber, haha, and we all were screaming and screaming. haha. Thereafter, got to the jacuzzi again. haha. Headed down to the competition pool after that. haha. played with Van surface dive and swum. haha. Headed to the children's section thereafter. haha. went mad at the playground. well, the water playground. The groups then headed back to lazy river, and allowed the current to take us round and round again. the guys--> ME, SH AND KY. were planning to do something to the girls, which was, to hide in the cave.. (there was a cave on the route of lazy river) and surpirse them from there. We tried many times, but always failed. haha, and guess what, once we almost succeeded. We were squatting at the back of the cave, when a lifeguard was there, and asked both of us to enter back into the lazy river.=.=. haha. but in the end, who cares of what. hah. Following that, we had one last round of lazy river. Returned the floats, got the paper tickets back, and the rest except for me and SH took the way of lazy river. haha. Me and SH decided to go and sit on the bridge on the route of lazy river, and stare at them whilst they were on their way back. haha. finally, all good things have to come to an end. Showered, cam whored, headed out, walked, took a bus back to interchange. Drea and Me took the train back to the east, whilst the rest enjoyed a meal. Went to kooma's house after that, haha, kooma's bday. okay, but before that event, enjoy the pics. (sorry, the pics are all at the bottom after kooma's bday celebration, got a bit scrweed up at the inserting of pictures) So refer to the way bottom part first before reading on that is if you guys havent got bored of reading yet.
Event 3: Kooma's bday celeb.
haha, After that whole long MRT TRAIN RIDE WITH Drea, finally reached kallang, took a bus, and headed to nai's house. haha. Kooma, my closest aunt, who took care of me since young. haha. Anyhow, JO and chloe were there that dayy. haha. so apparently, everyone of course had fun. haha. shant say much here, enjoy the pics!
^ Kooma and Jo.
^Crazy shot 1.
^Crazy shot 2.
^ Normal shot. haha. 4 of us at the back. with xm jie,chloe on lap, kooma, xiang jie, jo, and her bf.
^ haha, Happy family!. Thats kooma's famiy, With xm jie,(chloe on lap), jovan, kooma, xiang jie, her bf, and chun ko with his gf at the back.
^ HEE, secret shot with Jovan.
^ haha. sweet!
^ 2ND ONE. haha. SWEET!
^ JO wants to cut the cake/blow candles.
^ hahaha. DONT THEY 2 JUST LOOK ADORABLEE. haha. and of course, kooma too(:. haha.
we all had a lot of fun that night. hahaha. There're other shots, all on xuemei jie's camera, will post it up when i have the time. and omg, kooma's supenyaki was D-LICIOUS. haha. it's damn damn damn damn damn damn nice to eatt. omg. haha. there were leftovers, we brought it back home to eat for breakfast the next day. hahaha. omg, kooma's shou yi, together with Nainai's are all so uber wonderful. haha. Headed home, tired, drained from the day's activities, but played pets society for a while, went off to bed. and that sums up an eventful, 3rd of November, two thousand and eight.
Event 2, 'ctd.
^KY, SH and me.
^KY and SH
^ SH, KY and Me.
(If you guys are actually wondering why are there so many shots of the guys only, thats cos we were bored waitin for the girls to be done with their showering.) anyhow, ehh, 105,107, If YOU GUYS are wondering what a patch reef is, it is actually an isolated coral growth forming a platform in a lagoon. haha. and the girls finally came out.
^ 107!( YT, DREA, SH, VAN)
^ If you see any suspicious articles, please inform our staff, or press the emergency comunication button at the train doors. haha, suspicious? Nah, its just lihui's bag.
^ and thats, 105! my dearest 2 other members who worked hard. hahaha.
^ SCUBA SCOVE! lets wear on our goggles. hahaha.
^The long awaited revenge on KY.
^ IM THIRSTY. haha.
^ Van's showering. with LH's hand sticking out at the side.
^ Finally, a group shot.
^ Group shot 2
^Heading back, on the bus
and well, that sums up my post. haha. Band later at 4pm, its only 8.42am now. haha. If you guys survived till here, thank you for surviving. But nvm laa, enjoying the pics will do also. haha. well, going off, more pets society, band, and if im really bored till that extent. Homework.