^Oliver and me(:
^ Me, KR, sam and MY.
based on that day, okay i shall blog about it laa anyhow. At first, when the day started in the afternoon, Im like, Oh no, my tone's horrible, so are my articulations and everything, cos the hall's really reallyr eally cold. and i couldnt feel much support and everything. Also, i didnt had lunch that day cos i thought that there was gonna be a lunch session. But i missed out on that cos i didnt come the previous day. squeezed bread from the sandwich machine into my mouth and that machine swallowed me 2 bucks @%^&*(). haha. anyhow, yeah was feeling tired and everything. BH said that she needed to go out to play abit halfway in rehearsal in audi. Cos she said that she was losing her support. So, again, went out, warmed up warmed up abit, before going in again. hahaha. Rehearsed a bit more, but after going out to warm myself up, playing became okay okay again. haha. Then concert started.
When beautiful oregon started by the brasses Im like. "yes. good." haha, cos i remembered fiesta 07 didnt start out well. haha. During oregon, i felt that it was damn long. haha. But then, it was k i guess. But at the 7/4 part, lin sheng suddenly switched to conducing for the brasses. the whole woodwinds got lost. And im like oh no. But then we caught up again la. haha. So apparently, its like that. But then, screwed up some parts, did okay in some parts. but the song was okay i guess. Then danza came, at the start of the song, i remembered feeling uber uber uber nervous. haha. Then, managed to calm myself down. I remembered some of the high parts i screwed up la. but other than that, the song turned out okay okay for me. I know that my solo wasnt in unison with hasia. so HASIA, WE ARE GOING TO PLAY ANOTHER BASSOON-FLUTE part some time okay!. Anyhow, but i remembered when the solo was nearing. My vision spinned abit. it was like left right left right. Felt my heartbeat like DOONG DOONG. DOOONG DOONG. haha. But when the solo started, im like, yeah, dont be scared. then xy was like last time, last chance, last time, last chance. I was like, yes, do it well. Followed lin sheng. haha. And i guess it turned out all right. haha. AND I MANAGED TO HOLD MY BREATH FOR THE LAST ONE/SOLO, THAT LAST NOTE G. hahaha. YAYYYYYYYYY.(((:> But heard from kj that my first solo, that last g didnt managed to hold full length. Knew that it was breath. But then i knew that if i continued holding that G, im very sure that it will turn out awkward. haha. But yeah, i guess in a way, i should be proud of myself. Cos, I guess, this is the first solo, that i enjoyed myself, hearing my sound, reverb through the audi, with the band backing me up. haha. Yup. haha. Celebrate turned out fine in a way. haha. I loved the duet btw the flute and clar. haha. YAY. I DIDNT GLITCH AT THE A FLAT. haha. Cumbancero was fine. just that the surpirse for miss chew's like #$%^&*(, in a way that, when the birthday surpirse was there, miss chew wasnt there. haha. Yup, during the interval. Went to see people. haha. Took a photos. haha. thanks christine toshikas afor coming. haha(:. hahaha. and also, MY, KR and sam. haha. and also ELLIOT/LIOTTY. omg, i do miss fiesta 07 in a way)):. haha. Heard the alumni band perform, loads of christmas songs. haha. All i knew that there was only 1 flute during alumni band/jazz band. Could hear that kj was trying to project, but the brasses were playing loudly too. haha. But other than that, it was k. haha. Joyful exclamations, school song and masked man after that. haha. XY, your joyful solo's really nice. haha. really really, is can cry one. haha, but lin sheng was somewhere in the audience i guess. haha. Dont worry we still have one more prelude/syf to go(:. haha. encore was ... haha. but nvm laa. haha. Overall it was a wonderful concert..
ALL the way until i heard SP band at VCH. thanks sp band, gave me a great big wake up call. I thought that TJ band at fiesta was not bad. Until i heard you guys. Omg, then i thought we were kindda like pathetic compared to you all. thanks liot. haha you sounded awesome too man. hahaha. And that band got me addicted to barne's third symphony. hahaha. And also, im just like wow. Its like all the trumpeters are kwangyi's, there're like 15 nick chews on the horn. There're like 4 jonathan's on the bass. and like as though there're lots of xy on the flute. and omg, the clarinet section there was awesome. The double duet piece on clarinet backed up by mini wind band was. O.O. its been realy really really long, since i heard such awesome clarinet playing. Looks like our band have to work alot harder. When with Dion for that concert. Saw, G, N and K there too. haha. but still, yeah, it was a worth it concert. that 12 dollars spent is what i call, worth.
haha, omg, im feeling damn tired to go on blogging already. haha. For flute chalet, i shall blog about it when i upload the pictures. haha. Gonna upload pictures for bonanza soon i guess.
haha, will blog about CIP and flute chalet in the next 2 posts.
Oh ya, and ive come to realize how much time this year that ive wasted, doing stupid stuff. Its gonna be a much more time managed year in 09. Im sure. Okay, breakfast, chem bonding, and bringing S and N out. haha.
P.S. LH, i still owe you 16.70 and HQ, 5 bucks.
P.S.S. kj, thanks so much for all the tracks.haha.
Will update soon.
Give me the courage, to tell you anything.
Yeah, i think im loserish, but i guess, this is the first time.
and i guess in a way, i've got to learn too.
or else, Im sure that im going to remain single all my life.
Is not like as though we are really reallly really really close,
but i feel that at least, we're close.
Do i still stand a chance?
I hope i do. or as _ said,
If she doesnt like you back, at least you will know and move on.
But, just give me the courage, to tell first. and lets see how it'll turn out.