`Fly, soar, heighten.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 / 7:54 AM
Weather: sunny
17th February 2008
Music: crush-David archutela
event: Bel's bday(:

haha. well, its unlike of me to post after the day that ive posted. but oh well here goes. Today has been a really really tiring, exhuasting, bad and arduous day for me. with school ending at 440, sectionals till 7.00, (but i left at 6 for bishan), reached 7.00 at bishan for econs tuition all the way till 9.45. and got home like not long ago(the time now's like 11.56) there's organic chem test tmr, so im gonna mug as much as i can after this post. But reason for this post is, today's dinner suddenly made me remember about that something which i have always wanted to blog for for very long but always cant remember to do so. yup.

After i got home, exhausted, showered, mum cooked dinner today. Somehow, im thankful that my mum cooks at times, like perhaps once/twice out of 4 days? yup. haha. whenever she cooks, im like, woa, im the most blessed kid in the world kindda feel. In the past, I used to find mcdonald's and kfc is like the best food in the world. But i guess when you grow up, you just start to slowly realize that the best things all come from home. I guess, when nobody wants you anymore in school, like even if you're the most loathe-d person in the entire world, there's still always your family to fall back on. For my case, i just somewhat feel that, yeah at times i fight with N, at times, S bugs me with endless questions from school, and well, D whom i try to hard to motivate but fail like 8/10 times. But still, I know despite everything, deep down, i know that my family will be there for me. I guess, there will always be that free private good of love supplied at home. But i guess, the one person which ive got to ought to thank is my mama. Something of the things that im gonna miss most from her when i grow up and upp-er, i guess, is her naggings and dinner(particulary soup). haha.

Somehow, back from the exhausting day today, i'm so lucky to get another round of mama's soup. There's a saying that goes: "A man goes home everyday, just to look forward to drinking his wife's soup." Im not saying that im a man or whatsoever, but, I guess, whenever mum cooks her soup, i'll most definitely be looking forth to that meal. Everytime when its warm, and you just drink from that bowl, you feel the cosiness from the warmth going down your oesophagus into your tummy. Like somehow you feel that the patience, love and everything that has been taken to cook that bowl of soup. Everytime after i drink her soup-s, its always a sense of rejuvenation thereafter. Like, even though it lasts for an extremely short while, at times long. I just feel so so so happy whenever soup is being made. Its like, a taste from heaven. And like, this taste, is so much better than the soups that you can find at any restaurants. Its like, just a feeling which is so indescribable. A feeling of love, a feeling of, how should i say, reassurance. I dont know how I should describe it, really. its just, so so relieving and comfortable after that bowl.

So, I guess, through the year, im gonna learn how to make soup. Like nice-drinkable-warm ones, and like gonna cook it for people should they ever need. Omg, soup soup soup(:. Soup is love <3. haha. and also, like, other than soup, im gonna learn how to make baked rice. yes, i will i will. hahaha, but before all these leisure activities, I guess its time to go off in this tired state of mind, to embarking on organic chem.

going off-

Sunday, February 15, 2009 / 6:58 AM
weather: sunny
15th February 2008
music: crush- david archuleta

hey ppl. woa. many events to blog about, but i cant afford the time to blog alot just yet. haha. i know theres orinetation to blog, but oh well, all i can say is that, OG 14 has been another of the one-of-the-best-things that has ever happened since Ive stepped into TJ thing. Well, im gonna miss them, miss all of them bad. The most rah rah, most on, most enthusiastic, most daring, most wonderful, most supportive, most bonded OG that ive ever known. All i knew is that, ive given my 200% into that orinetation, and i guess, im very very happy with the results. haha. ive striked off my wish, if you guys can see, haha, but im just really happy. And im gonna miss all of them, but i guess, ill still see them around school. so its good in a way too. haha, thanks you guys for the memories, the support, the WONDERFUL SHIRT. omg, the damn sweetest OG ever. only 9 of us in school posseses that shirt. woa ha. hhahahahaha. im feeling really proud and honnoured to have such an OG, and im really rreallly gonna miss orinetation.

but besides that, pulls me back to the real world. Next week is organic chem (Full syllabus) test and economic growth and NIA test. Im feeling really scared, but at the same time unmotivated. swimming today was great. But at the same time, it has got me drained. shit, wasted another weekend away. Ive been always looking forth to weekends so that i can study hard, but i always end up so so tired by the time i can study, and hence results in not doing anything. Great, ive not even started much on organic chem and the test is on tuesday. and macro economics is like RAH RAH RAH RAH, GRRRRR. SMASHES INTO A MILLION PIECES. omg, its like i dont know what the heck is going on kindda thing. Im like. ugh. nvm. During econs tuition last satruday, due to coming in late, and the previous lesson not attneding cos i was sick, i was totally lost, and it felt really really horrible and i felt like crying. almost everything seemed so overwhelming, and i had not idea at all what was going on. I kept giving that "thermometer face" as in frowning-what-the-heck-are-you-talking look. and like RAKLJASDFL;KJASL;DKJFALS;KDJFADS. even mr ng was like" jermain, can understand not." i was like" erm, erm, erm, i dont understand, damn confused, but nevermind, just go on" so this means that i will have to head down to bishan at 7pm for tuition, but i guess i'll need a lot of 100 plus and coffee for that lesson. shit. next week is going to be a time consuming-i-have-to-focus-although-im-really-tired week. pressured. I feel like, really ugh-ed up now. and chem lecture, chem energetics, i really dont know what the heck is going on kindda thing. and math, well, vectors is reallys tarting to confuse me, and im really started to lag in every subject.):. bad, way way way way bad.):. help me man, help. I feel really like in a big big mess right now. argh.):

but other than that, i know i have to stay calm. and handle things one step at a time despite all the tiredness and weariness. cos, im not the only one feeling this way, everyone's feeling it too. but its hard. really hard.

oh well, i guess i should like go to bed now, and sleep. perhaps, wake up much earlier tomorrow to study.

worried-Anyhow, the new song in my blog's really addictive, goodness. better get off to sleep.):.


Why do I keep running from the truth
All I ever think about is you
You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized
And I've just got to know

Do you ever think when you're all alone
All that we can be, where this thing can go
Am I crazy or falling in love
Is it real or just another crush

Do you catch a breath when I look at
you holding back like the way I do
`Cause I'm trying and trying to walk away
But I know this crush ain`t goin` away--ay ay ay ay
Goin` away--ay ay ay ay
Has it ever crossed your mind
When we're hanging, spending time girl, are we just friends
Is there more, is there more..
Tuesday, February 3, 2009 / 6:44 AM
weather: sunny, cloudy
3rd February 2008
music: uber high songs

OKAYYY. haha. i havent blogged like for uber long, and my voice sounds sexy now. okay fine, maybe not sexy, but my throat's like hoarse? and, like, yeah, ORIENTATION ROCKS SO FAR((;. well at least, OG 14 ROCKS! *WOOHOO* *runs around the room like some mad monkey* haha, okay, getting the orientation fever. haha. Anyhow, feeling uber tired now, but QUIZ FROM KR((:.

1.Besides your lips , where is your favourite spot to get kissed?
-too personal to be answered-

2: How do you feel when you woke up this morning?
Drowsy from the previous days of high-ing and having to wake up uber early?

3: Who was the last person you took a photo with?
with the beta OGLs infront of our beta banner!

4: Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
A bit. haha, everyone is i guess? its singapore!

5: Would you ever donate blood?
Im scared of needles, but, haha, If there's a need to, yes, i will.

6: Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
yes, now i still have and we know each other's crushes and things like that.

7: Do you want someone dead?

8:What does your last text message say?
-too personal to be answered-

9:What are you thinking of right now?

10: Do you wish someone was with you right now?
Yes, very much. and its that someone. aik.

11: What time did you go to sleep last night?

12: Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now ?
Not wearing any, just came out from the shower not long ago. Wrapped up in a towel?

13: Is someone on your mind right now?

14: Who was the last person to text you?

-Okay, im deleting the whole 2nd part of this quiz. haha. moving onn-

Rules and Regulations:-

Each player of this game start off with 10 weird things/habit/little known facts about yourself.-People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.-At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list this names.-


1.) Are you single - yeah, i am currently.
2.) Are you happy - Currently, due to the highness from orientation, yes.
3.) Are you bored - stressed.
4.) Are you fair - quite tanned actually
5.) Are you Italian - nope, but i can cook spagetti too(:
6.) Are you intelligent - in a way?
7.) Are you honest - everyone lies at times.
8.) Are you nice - can i dont answer this.
9.) Are you Irish - not my name, not my race
10.) Are you Asian - 100%

1.) Full Name - Cho Koi Hong Jermain(Cao KaiXiong jermain)
2.) Nicknames - Jerm, main, Jerjer, toot gua, crazy cho
3.) Birth place - Singapore
4.) Hair colour - black!
.5.) Natural hair style - MESSY MAGGEE MEE LIKE HAIR?
6.) Eye color - black and white
7.) Birthday - 11th Oct
8.) Mood - Tired, sianned, worried, high.
9.) Favorite color - BLUE! and Green(:
10.) One place you'd love to visit - now? my bed. but others, mmm, hell.

1.) Have you ever been in love - nope. not yet.
2.) Do you believe in love at first sight - nope.
3.) Do you currently have a crush? - yeah i guess, everyone does, right?
4.) Have you ever been hurt emotionally - Emotionally confused? yup.
5.) Have you ever broken someone's heart - did i? Im not so sure, dont think i did.
6.) Have you ever had your heart broken - not yet. And i hope it wont.
.7.) Have you ever liked someone but never told them - Yeah. Trying to but, oh nevermind.
8.) Are you afraid of commitment - nope!
9.) Who was the last person you hugged - mmm. I think it was grandma-s during CNY, but nvm, i think i hugged my mummy too(:
10.) Who was the last person you said I love you to? - family ppl

1.) Smile or eyes - both!
2.) Light or dark hair - anything, so long as she loves me and i lover her
3.) Hugs or Kisses - both!
4.) Shorter or taller - shorter preferably.
5.) Intelligence or attraction - both? more of intelligence
6.) Topman or Zara - erhh, whats this?
7.) Funny or serious - Both as much! but funny and serious at the right time lah. haha.
8.) Older or Younger - Can i request for same age? but its k if its older or younger, preferably same age/younger.
9.) Outgoing or quiet - same ans as 7.
10.) Sweet or Bad - hahahahhahaha!. Sweet AND bad! haha.

1.) Love or Lust - love!
2.) Hard liquor or beer - ermmm, brandy? jollyshandy? ROOT BEER!((:
3.) Cats or dogs - Dogs!
4.) A few best friends or any regular friends - a few best friends
5.) Creamy or Crunchy - both at certain times
6.) Pencil or Pen - PENCIL!
7.) Wild night out or romantic night in - romantic night in.
8.) Money or Happiness - Both.
9.) Night or day - Night
10.) IM or phone - Both.

1.) Been caught sneaking out - i guess, but i cant remember. haha.
2.) Seen a polar bear - zoo, documentaries, magazines
3.) Done something you regret - yup. a few.
4.) Bungee Jumped - (Kairu, i'll jump with you. hahahah.)
5.) Eaten food that fell on the floor - nope..
6.) Finished an entire jaw breaker - nope. whats that?
7.) Been caught naked - nope!
8.) Wanted an ex bf/gf back - dont have an ex-
9.) Wanted to disappear - many a time.
10.) Kissed the same gender - havent kissed anyone since i was uber young.

1.) Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Band concerts, and concerts. haha. oh and OG NIGHT last year!
2.) Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour - yes, with many many ppl. haha.
3.) Ever tried walking on your hands - Probably land on the floor and BISHHH through all the levels to the ground. hahaha.
4.) Ever been to a rock concert - nope. S pop counted?
5.) Ever been on a cheerleading team - The team can get ready to be last.
6.) Ever been on a dance team - mass dance counted?
7.) Ever been on a sports team - nope.
8.) Ever been in a drama play/production - yup, when i was young.
9.) Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, hummer or Bentley? - dont mind all, but dont konw how to drive yet.
10.) Ever been in a rap video? - nope

1.) Last phone call you made - HOME!
2.) Last person you hung out with - Lavina, Clarabel, Vanessa. walking towards mrt.
3.) Last time you worked - havent worked yet.
4.) Last person you talked to - mummy, chasing me for dinner.
5.) Last person you IM'd - cant remember.
6.) Last person you texted - Lavina.
7.) Last person(s) you went to the movies with - wanted to go with dan, and jo, but, haha, i guess didnt, i think, if never remember wrongly with sisters.
8.) Last person/thing you missed - -personal question-
9.) Last website you visited - kairu's blog.haha.
10.) Last kiss you had - cant remember. havent got one in a long time.

haha. oh man, its k if you guys dont wanna do k.(:

1. Michelle(tj clar)
2. Andrea (NO MORE YMOC AHHH! do quiz! haha.)
3. Lavina
4. May
5. Wei siong
8.Bao hui
9. Annette

YAY DONE. haha. off to bed yo. okay maybe a bowl of rice from mama first. haha.



WOOOOO! ZANDOR AND 14 ROCKS. haha. overdosage of highness still. hahaha. oh well! cya guys soon.

gosh, lots of work to catch up on. :/


"Whenever you feel like giving up, remember why you held on so long in the first place."

flute. lifesaving. academics

Make Damn Sure by
Taking Back Sunday.


jermaincho koi hong
seventeen going on eighteen!
mbs, hsc
Temasek Junior College
The current mood of fluteboi at www.imood.com

1e4 04*
2e4 05
3e1 06
4e1 07
TJ CG22/08

flautist + Piccoloist
HSC alumni band!
TJC symphonic band!
HSC concert band
Click to view my Personality Profile page



-OG for coming orientation to be bonded
-maintaining my 4h2s
-that uni grad photo with family
-PSP(after As!)
-My very own flute!(powell/miyazawa!)
-To get into a pro wind orch
-learn to express myself BETTER
-making better first impressions?
-to lead my juniors well
-play flute 1/2 in JC well!
-Be more satisfied wif my life
-cope with my life


22/08- the awesome class!
Andrea=))[guai gua!]
clarabel=))[ding dong!]
Lavina=))[lala!, boo!]
Li hui=))[Lili,hao jie mei!]
MR HO=))

Ke jian(=
Man Ting(=
Oliver (=
Xin yun (=
Zhi ning (=

The 4E1-07-ians, tangsters
4E1 2007 =>
Amos ghui =>
Cerlyn =>
Chaiw Hong =>
Donovan =>
Jessica Chan =>
Jessica Lau =>
Jollyn =>
Kai ru =>
Marianne =>
Mei Yee =>
Stephanie =>
weineng =>
»Wei Xiang =>
»Yan hua =>
Yenny =>
Yi jing =>

The SEXY hsc flute section!
HSC flutes =p
HSCFlutes - Generation 2 =p
» Amanda =p
»Emily =p
»Hilary =p
»Hui Qin =p
»Hui Zhen =p
»Joanne =p
»Li Hong =p
»Lynette =p
»Man Ning =p
»Stacey =p
»Stacey's blog 2 =p
»Xin Hui =p
»Zhi Hao =p
»Zhi Hao's blog 2 =p

OG 14!

»Bao hui(= [tj clarinets!]
elliot ong(= [tj sax!]
Flora(=[tj bass clar!/bass clar goddess!]
Gino(=[tj sax!]
Grace(=[tj perc!]
GV(=[tj clar!]
Hasia (=[tj bassoon!]
Jessica(=[tj horns!]
Jolene [tj oboes, snowball!](=
May(= [tj sax!, my ex co mate]
Mengjit(= [tj perc!]
Michelle [tj clars, mei!](=
Rachel yang (= [tj sax!]
Siew yuan(= [tj clars!]
Tommy(=[tj perc!]
Vanessa(=[tj perc!, 22/08 bandit!]
Wei Siong (= [tj euphos!]

2E4 2005 :)
Casslynn :)
Chia Min :)
Felicia :)
Huda :)
Julie :)
Kai ling :)
Kevon :)
Michelle :)
Nadia :)
Wan Xuan :)
Yunni :)
»Yong Jian :)
»Zhi wei :)

HSC band peeps
»Azam (=
Chelsea (=
Rachel Chua(=
Rachel Tan(=
Ruying (AH band) (=

Kian Hao=)

HSC prefects
»Amanda Poh=D
Choon yip blog 1=D
Choon yip blog 2=D
PinYi =D
Shun xiong =D
Yock kiat =D
Yun han =D

MBS peeps
»Thian Yong

other sites
Hantu bloggers!((:
philharmonic winds
» Musart wind orchestra
» Singapore armed forces military band



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart. Personalizing/ Jermain.