Event 2: Growing up.
Just reflecting on the past 18 plus years of my life, I just somehow realized that time just has passed so fast. Really, from when i was just an innocent kid.
(thats kh and me man)
Till primary school.. where you do your homework for 30 mins, and get to enjoy the rest of the day watching tv, on the com, or going down to the park and play...
(that was in p5)
haha, i didnt include in the secondary school shots man. but anyhow, Yes, secondary school passed fast. Though going through it felt long, remembered that i really enjoyed the sec 2 year and the last half of the sec 4 year. in band, under the guidance of mr and mrs chua, playing kazenomai, airs for wind orch, and alot of other nice pieces, having to conquer that solo in jungle fantasy, And just yes, secondary school life, meeting so many nice teachers. and everything. ahh. hahahaha. But i will forever remember that 37/41 position i got in the first half of the sec 4 year, worse ever position ive ever gotten in my life. hahaha. But then, yeah, the tremendous improvement up to 9th in level 9th in class. hahaha.
to j1,

and j2, which i realized now that i've really fattened up alot, i guess due to the tremendous amount of eating that i do when i get really stressed up from studying. in jc, i guess i didnt really enjoy myself as much i guess. everyday felt like a stressful f uped day, like studying, and more studying, having to deal with relations, handling all sorts of characters and everything, though, i really did enjoy the fiesta times, the first half year of band life, and ALLL the time spent with 2208, and just crapping alot with everyone, to the remedials with mr peck(really enjoyable), mr daniel ng, haha, econs tuition with mr simon ng, mrs lena lim! the BEST EVER CT i can ever ask for, its just really sad that she has to leave):. omg. so many things ah, and the many much fun that i had with the 2208 pseudo class, ice skating, ubin, watching up! etc. omg, fun. hahahaha. but the studying part was really frustrating, cos it just seems like no matter how hard you try to get your A, it always turn out as a jsut pass, and no matter how you try to remedy the problem, it just backfires. hahaha. But i really hope that A level results will turn out fine man. haha. just praying. then yeah prom came, which i now think i look like some kou rou bao then. haha.

Till now man.

I guess so far, in life, NS though really tough, and not to mention that next week is gonna be one of the most challenging weeks in NS life ever(like not bathing for 4-5 days, exposed to mud, sand and the fury of mother nature's elements), but anyhow, i really love being with section 3, but i really hate rushing and rushing, its just tiring, like last night, wth, seriously, ive got nothing much to comment. But i really really miss lt at, ml and s a lot as compared to a and w. omg. i really dont like them ah, im just sorry. but anyhow, for those who dont understand, its okay, but just anyhow, yes its a lot of rushing. But looking back in life, I cant believe that im gonna turn 19 this year alr, time is really passing really quickly, but its okay. I guess, right now, the most important thing is that you have to treasure and make the best use of whatever time that you can get to do and concentrate on things, so that you can get the best out of it. Cos really, there's really no time to lose. haha. anyhow, am just really glad that i managed to pull out an almost impossible feat, that is to lose alot alot of weight, and now looking better. So, i guess, the next feat, shall be ippt. yes i can do this. go jerms, for once, lets make yourself proud in the physical aspect. and yes, i wont let lt at down, sgt yj down, the mo which was reluctant at first down. yes. and lastly, myself down. yes. i have to jiayou. though the coming up ippt will be $%^&*( cos of the rushed timings everyday, and like, i havent been training much on broadjump and pull up, nvm, i must jiayou. haha. next impossible feat to pull off man. yes. lets do this!
Event 3: latest class outing to wild wild wet!
hahaha, I really cant wait for the ice skating outing later on, haha, its just a real pity all the camera's at home ah, cmi alr. Like the ones that i use to use have spoilt. -.-. then the ones which are working have to plug to the com -.-.. dumb. haha. anyhoo, went to wild wild wet with sh, yt, j and ah la! hahaha. had fun that day! really. omg. hahaha. after 18 years of my life, i finally spent a bomb to enter wild wild wet, oo lala's fun! though i think jurong east is alot better and cheaper, but i really did have fun that day as well, screaming down the slides, enjoying the lazy river, teaching them butterfly stroke. haha. 2208's just awesome. i really really am thankful for the great friends that ive made from 2208, section 3(ns), and 4e1(wn, kr, don, wx, etc), and pri school, friends from band, esp flutes. hahaha. reallly, thank you god, for allowing me to meet such awesome people in life man. hahaha.
us 5 by the pool. hahaha.
and then, they strike a muscular pose! hahaha, which i blurly didnt know-.-.. hahaha. you can compare it to i think 3 shots above. ahahha. but i really cant wait for the ice skating outing later. And yes, ih ave to enjoy myself as much as i can, before hell than hell resumes next week. woa freak, i really hope thigns will turn out fine, and i wont be such a blur cock, cos yes, next week is one week where i'll really have to try my best man. haha.
event 4: CNY!
this shot was taken 18 years ago..
and 18 years later, we are all at the same spot, and we retook another shot.

As i said, its really amazing how time can just zoom pass without you knowing, so yes. haha. anyhow, thats me, kh and w. hahaha, credits to ping for the decos and stuff, really nice. hahaha. cny this year was extra special to me i guess, gambling sessions on majhong, black jack. and cos when youre in ns, every single second spent in civilization is heaven it ell you. really heaven. even simple things like walking become simple life pleasures. haha. so yes, with my sisters, kh and w, we had alot of fun at ah ma's house, with bluff and alot of other things. hahaha.

this was taken at er shu gong's house! ^

and yes, all the grandkids at ah ma's house!^. ahhaha, its too bad that i didnt maanage to take one at nai's house. hahaha. but its okay lah, can get it soon though. hahaha.

^there, hahaha, me, my sisters, kh and w. AWESOME MAN. AWESOME. hahahaha. so much fun and happiness ah, really really enjoyed catching up and everything. ahhaha.
^and with the sisters that ive been with since they were born. hahaha. really really love them loads. haha.
At nai's hosue this year, things were still okay. haha. KOOMA AND NAI'S FOOD AH, HEAVEN. omg. OH YES, the steam boat at ah ma's house, and the spread that kooma cooked at nai's house. COMPARED TO TEKONG ITS SUPER DUPER DUPER HEAVEN. OMG. HAHAHAHAH. IMBA TO THE MAX AH. lots of abalone, mushrooms, veges, etc, omg my description is bad, but trust me, its the best ever food that ive tasted in a while. haha. and MUM'S COOKING AND SOUP. AHHHH! HAHAHAHHA. miss that loads man. really. hahaha. anyhow, didnt get to play much with jovan and chloe this time):. haha. but then, heres a happy shot of dear jovan!

so caught up with uncles aunties, gu jiong ah, gu jie, ang korkor, ah xiang jie, ah chun kor, xm jie, and everything, and yes, first thing they all said, is that i slimmed down, and on off. so topic this year, slimming down. -.-.. hahaha. but anyhow, still had fun, lok sok(sixth uncle) came back also, with brandon(who's grown up quite abit!), new addition bryan, and also, yes, caught up with kooma and everything. omg. with courtesy from ping's cam and ah xiang jie's cam, heres some shots from nai's house!

^ me and mum.(:.
^ us 4 with nainai((:. yay nainai!((:
^adding wasabi and puchi, cutie dogs. hahaha..(:

^and me and ping. hahaha.
all right, so till here, i shall stop, time for pull ups and stuff, guess i gtg! but anyhow, thanks for reading up to here man. JIAYOU JIAYOU in life man, though i know alot of girls now are working, and guys are fretting over NS, but its okay, we all can survive man, and yes, lets get through with one more week. after this week i guess things shall be fine. and yes, i will pass my pull ups and broad jump with flying colours. Sgt yj, ill never forget this line that you said ystdy man, "you already worked so hard to stay here, so make the best use of it and pass your ippt dont waste it", as i said, in camp, the only 3 commanders which i really respect, is sgt yj, lt at, and lt ml. yes. The most ever awesome display of leadership, organization and everything, unlike the fucked up PC right now, seriously fucked up. But its okay, just keeping in mind the people that i love, that i respect, that have been so patient with me, i shall try to excel. yes. hahaha.
all rights. stopping here.take care okay! but the next time i can blog will be some time later. (unless i update on the ice skating trip!). hahaha. okay, take care!(:
oh! oh! oh oh! badu sarangeh, ah ah ah ah, madu madu hey...(: