weather: cloudy, grey
28th march 2010
music: run devil run, echo- SNSD
event: ah xiang jie's bday
haha, i know i havent updated this place in a really long time. omg. yes, haha, lots of things have happened since the last update, which means that theres gonna be a really long post next week. Its another one plus hour to book in, but i really hope that there're no more activities back in camp for today, and next week shall be a 4 day week. Anyhow, yeowch man, i banged my knee bone on the monkey bar today whilst playing it at grandma's house today. Dang, ive got no idea at all how to continue with lunges and horizontals in CPT1. nvm ah, really hope it heals sooon. Anyhow, yup, lots of things have happened. Views on issues changed, happy/sad/stressful events have happened, so yeah shall update soon. Anyhow, its 2 more weeks to Passing Out Parade. I mean, since the very first day, everyone has been looking forth to this day. But surprisingly, Im starting to feel slightly sad. Cos, this means that youre gonna be separated from the people which you have lived for the past 5 months day in out. I mean, yeah there'll be meet ups and stuff, but i guess, yeah, gonna miss them a hell lot. Anyhow, but as much as that, im glad that at least, i do not need to tolerate W's arrongance or H's mad screams, or best still K's totalitarian way of treating people. yeah. hahaha. So yup, okay man, shall be logging off, take care to those out there okay. Ill cya guys next week.
NS's cycle is like this: before the activity, youre like, shit, its coming, during the activity, you're like, AHHH, FASTER END, FASTER END THIS HELL, DANG IT, FASTER!, and after the activity, youre like, OMG. I SURVIVED IT. HOHOHO. TEEHEE. WAHAHA. and the cycle just repeats and repeats and repeats until POP or maybe even ORD i guess. yeah. haha.
weather: cloudy
6th March 2010
music: sute ke dani- final fantasy X OST
Congratulations to 2208 for having done so well in the A level exams man seriously, and yes i mean every single one of us. (ESP THE PG) HAHA. AND YES, NBS, WE'VE DONE OURSELVES SUPER PROUD, ESP YOU, AND YOU. hahaha. you both ah, seriously. haha IMBA. WOO.But of course out of all the highness, ive to thank my gods, seriously, without them i wouldnt know what to do, but i thought that i was gonna score really really horrendously badly, like really really, my dear wonderful parents, whove always been so so so supportive and sure of me in my entire life, no matter its an up or down, they will always be there, and as long as ive tried my best they know, and thanks for being proud of me, cos there's no better parents that i can ever ask for. My friends, 22/08, flute section(TJ), esp my study gangs, haha, thank you so much, teh teh, shawn, sihui, lavina, annette, thank you so so much for everything, seriously without you guys ah, alot of things would have been impossible, and of course, my teachers, SO MANY OF THEM, omg, hahaha, it would be really long to list them out but, mr daniel ng, mrs lena lim, mr gan, mr kao, ye lao shi, dong laoshi, mr ho, mr goh(aiya, just thank him lah). but really, thank you so so much everyone so far, I mean, yes, though my results its not Straight As like many people, but still its super super decent enough to land me into a local university with the course that i want i think. but i really hope that i can enter a good course, as in a course that i would enjoy for 4 years. yes.

Anyhow, now, i can finally finally understand why big boys cry for their mum, or why boys even cry for their parents in the first place, really your parents are the ones who will treat and love you the best in your life. After field camp, ive seriously learnt to appreciate so many things in life. What exactly happened was, the scoldings received were plenty, vulgar, fierce, pierces your heart till it bleeds kindda fierce, during the weekend back, even just simple nagging and words and acts of concern from your mum can just make you feel so touched, really, and just suddenly, before i left back for camp, tears just came to my eyes, and i just started crying. Drama much but yes. mum, dad, really really, i love you guys a heaven lot, to the max max core. Thank you guys so so much for providing everything and even extra more that a parent can even give to their child. really.but really ah, after field camp, i reallly really appreciate so many things more, like just sitting on concrete, being able to wear t shirt and shorts. omg. yes. so many things. really, i guess army experience so far is tough, really, but it will help people to grow strong mentally physically and be so much more appreciative of everything that you have.
anyhow, gonna be stuck in tekong for another 2 weeks, with reallly tough activities upcoming, am really dreading the attires though cos its heavy. But somehow, i know that ill survive it all over again like how ive been surviving. btw, my ippt scores did show some improvement espeically for pull ups, i really really hope that i can pass/ do well for ippt by the end of BMT. yes i must, for dad, mum and everyone else.
Anyhow, once again, congrats 2208, really really happy for everyone and myself, and yes, we're one class, the class that rocks. DONT LOSE CONTACT OKAY. hahaha.(:. all rights, going cycling now i guess with the hsc flutes, few of them actually okay, cya guys soon.
^^ add on, omg, in an hours time, ill be booking in back to camp for the next 2 weeks, omg, no civilization, just screams from sergeants, live ranges, SIT test, leopard crawls from point A to B. omg. haha. but nvm, its okay. ill live through it somehow again. haha. anyhow, thank you so much lyn, lh, mn and amanda for the great cycling trip yesterday evening-night, haha, it was really a great de stresser session where i laughed my guts out like mad. omg, haha, cycled from home all the way to changi village, which was something i need to train my lower body strength. really hope the next 2 weeks will turn out fine. okay i dont have much time left on my hands, take care everyone! Somehow, just somehow, ill live through everything! hahaha.(:. jiayou jiayou everybody!