Weather: clear(day)
19th April 2008
music: Intime- claude bolling suite
oh mann. today was supposed to head down to the esplanade to gok my scores but i guess that kindda backfired. Anyway, today is haisings speech day. me and si hui left early, so we skipped GP and chinese. the HOD arhh when we tried getting her to sign the form for early leaving of school arhh, is ... no comments mann. anyway, yeah.enjoyed lunch, changed to tj uni, went back haising. haah. oh yeahh. today is a happy day. =D.
-I at first took 31A until some tanah merah stop, 31 will bring me to bedok swimming pool, thought i would be late to reach there but another 31 arrived =D
-CHEM PRAC. woots~ haha. today's prac was finally something that im satisfied about, at least this time, my results are close to everyone else and that my solution turned pink like how it is supposed to. oh yeah, and did i mention, the pink shade of the chemical is like DUPER NICEE. omg. ( i am neutral towards pink, but that pink is uberrr nice!)
-wearing JC uniform in your secondary school is like so DUA PAI. hahahahah. like all those prefect juniors of mine serving me and giving me stuff. omg. I feel so freagin evil. haha. nvm.
-got to talk to miss ong, mrs tang and all my subject tutors
-met up with my 4E1. oh goshh. i miss them mann. haha after speech day, we kindda had dinner together. after that, some of them wanted to go to pasir ris park/beach to stone. I wanted to, but i guess i had to rush back for stage band. as in, i cant be so irresponsible can I?
though I kindda missed band, but, yeah. at least today I enjoyed myself. At least, I hadnt enjoyed myself for quite some time already. At least seeing all my 4e1 class mates (except S_ _ _ _ _ _E) oh gosh, haha. miss them loads. oh goshh. and wei neng showed me one sick way of shaking the standard solution, or was it Dom? oh welll. haha. met shui man, pei shi and everyone else.
oh gosh. stage band was.... mmm. i dunno how to describe. lots of mixed feelings. but i shant post.. negative positive? i dont know. somehow feeling angry though. but yeah. I'd just keep it to myself.
anyway, here are the pictures for todayy. 1 picture =1000 words. I have more pictures, but i only post up the pictures with my face there. =.=. hahaha.


Me and Neng! haha. the duo(copied from neng), oh yeah. we form land and sea. haha.

the 5 4e1 guys who went for the thing=)

haha. US 4 ALWAYS stay together in haising. and i guess, they 3 left me the indelible memories in haising. kairu, neng, don, you guys are the BEST mann!

QIYUNNN! YEYE! omgg. haha. my flute section mate. oh goshh. i miss hsc gen 2 mann. oh well

DON! haha. again, we form land and sea. haha. nice shot by neng though!

2e4! mitch, kev, me and kinchung! hahahaha.

and the last 2 shots, our class with mrs tang. THE BEST TEACHER IN THE WHOLEEE WIDE WORLDDD~ haha.
oh well. nites ppl. im off.
yes.morrow, i can get to see you!