Weather: Sunny, rained 21st March 2009 music: sentimentale-Claude bolling
Chanced upon a rainbow on the way back from tuition today. pretty aint it, sorry if the camera resolution sucks. But, made a wish upon it though.mmm. Today, was like the first day of the holidays, when i felt that studying was productive. other than the little bits here and there during the holidays. Went for alumni prac this morning instead of TJ's prac, i kindda know that im not supposed to, considering the fact that syf is coming up really soon. But then, went back to see how everyone is and everything, though its a really wrong time to do so. =/. pfft. Anyhow, today, was quite a stony/sad/thoughts running through my mind like mad day. and i desperately need a place to rant, so, dont bother reading this post if yeah, you dont want to, cos it will just be boring. Somehow, despite MCTs coming up and a whole lot of things not studied(of which im going to study right after this post), but here goes.First of all, academics:Somehow, i suddenly thought through something today. Somehow, for the case of studying, i suddenly realized why the sec 2 year of studying was so much more fun, and the last half year of sec 4 was so fun to study, and thats cos, i actually made use of what i am. Kinesthetic. writing out and doing out the thing. and its not only in 1 subject, its in ALL the subjects. Like Mrs Tang makes us do Compres regularly every week until we get sick of it, Miss Ong often throws us with math practices every week, Mr lua gave us chinese stuff to do, There were a stack of papers of which mr yap left us, wrote out the organic chem maps, writing out notes, and like the loads and loads of practices that Mr Njoo gave, although mrs wan helped too, and like mr das and mdm kang, making us go through a hell lot of essays and actually doing them. The secret, for me to succeed, is to practice, and do. And now, i finally realized why im not doing so well in TJ, well at least for the first year and all the current tests, thats because i dont do. I need to DO. DO DO DO. its like i need to practice and do. or at least, find myself the time to do this. Its not like im visual or audio. so hence the need to. lets see, Mr goh now doesnt even give a damn whether we do tutorials a not, Mr Gan, well its just cos he just somehow always skip checking my tutorial last year, Mr Ng(WHICH IS LIKE CATCHING ME EVERYTIME THAT I DONT DO TUTORIALS NOWADAYS), but when i do he never check -.-, and like Mr Chan doesnt even give us any practices. and now what, Mr NG(for bio) DISCOURAGES US TO COPY. HEY DUDE, PPL NEED THIS COPYING. omg, well at least for me la. So like, haiz. Okay, im making a promise to myself, to practice hard on whatever chapters that're coming out. -DO LOTS AND LOADS OF COMPRES AND ESSAYS FOR GP -DO MATH TUTORIALS! (hey, im doing all my math tutorials this year) BUT TO FINISH AND CLARIFY LAST YEARS ONE! -i promise, IM GONNA START DOING CHEM STARTING FROM KINETICS -AS FOR ECONS, I KNOW THAT THERE'S MR NG'S ESSAYS TO DEPEND ON, SO YUP! I CAN DO THIS. -AND FOR BIO, yes im gonna conquer all my tuts.JCTS. YOURE 3 MONTHS AWAY, BUT FOR ONCE, IM GOING TO SHOW MYSELF, THAT A DUMB HSC KIA CAN DO WELL IN THIS SCHOOL. YES. but all i can say is that, i hope that i can last through the more intensifying practices of syf. and give me the energy to do so. yes, i have to discipline myself. and like obviously, MCTs next week aint gonna be all right. But at least, i know already what im going to do. -i guess i shouldnt think so much at times-
thanks for all the optimism that you guys are bringing to me nowdays yeah.(: haha, i think you guys is quite broad, but never mind. you guys know who you are.(:.-jErM