Weather: rainy
30th August 2009
music: ming zhong zhu ding wo ai ni- OST

帅呆了!真的帅呆了!哈哈!woa finally, another cert back here with me alr.(:. hahahaha. yay! at least now its settled. haha. my life saving course, well at least for the year, thats if i get into NS during December. haha. Theres tuition later cos i decided to pon yesterday's one cos i was doing chem/math. so ya loh. YES. hahahahahhaha. and now, all thats left is NS. and then ill trim out my belly and like AAAAAHH! hahahhaha! then earn some muscles! yay. and then shock everyone like later in next year. yes, i can do this(:. hahaha. but for now, yeah. thats cool man. love the cert. haha.
yup. okay i think im going back to study for now. oh mans. I hope i didnt waste too much time alr. yes i must jiayou. today's gonna be a good day. and next week's gonna be a great week :D. hahaha. yay. mmm. but im still wondering whether i should go back HSC/MBS this year. but i think i should at least go take a peek. haha. okay for now, im going back to my books. yes. lets do well this prelim. last chance last chance! lets go!