Monday, August 11, 2008 / 6:15 AM
weather: fine, blue skies
11th August 2008
Music: nodame orchestra tracks
event: Xue mei jiejie's bday, 1 day after perf with musart, 1 day before bio spa.
haha, okayy, shall bang this post off with 2 quizzes. haha. thanks for the tags manz.(:
Okay first one from kj(:
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
B) Tag eight people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other here it goes!
1. What are your reasons for having a LJ
erm. haha. i'd rather stick to blogger cos blogger can create nice blog skins? heh. but i do have a lj account though, though i dont use it. hmm.
2. What do you do before bedtime?
depends. haha. maybe listening to music? or perhaps chionging off some last minute assignment, or looking and thinking through what i've been through the day.
3. What will your dream wedding be like?
i answered this question dunno some time back alr. But dream wedding, well, in some nature place? maybe in outer space or under the sea. haha. no laa. just kidding, where got so rich. perhaps, a place where me and my wife will agree? mmm
4. What is the city of your dreams and why?
Japan, osaka or tokyo, and also singapore. haha. Japan well, everything is so wonderful there. The fast paced life, the wonderful food, the amazing band and orchestra life there(watching too much nodame lately). and singapore, well, you gotta love your city dont cha.
5. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
haha, little of both, more of extro i think.
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
being loved and loving someone are both blessings i guess. heh.
7. Do you trust easily?
mmm. depends on the person?
8. What person, dead or alive, is your role model?
my role model? well, learning everything thats good from everybody around me or someone on tv/over the radio or something i can learn i guess. haha.
9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
erm. haha. has been unhappy for, certain reasons i guess, but not going to say it out i guess.
10. When's the last time you had fun?
The last time that i had ALOT of fun, was the section outing with andy, cheryl and xinyun on the day right after JCTS. i remembered laughing a lot that day and having a lot of fun.
11. Is being tagged fun?
haha. yeah. sure it is.
12. How do you see yourself?
erm, ask those who are around me la. haha dont really wanna answer much for this qn.
13. Who are currently the most important people to you?
My family, my friends(which includes a lot of ppl like my dear TJCSB flute section, HSC flute section, PW group, gua extension clan, 4e1 spop clan and the list goes on...)
14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
well, kj is, just repeat flute god like infinity times i guess. But a person who cares when you're down at times, always tends to show his happy side no matter how dark the day might seem, oh, great entertainer. haha. like fiesta?, hard to figure out at times what he's thinking, mature on the love side, great senpai, brother, sensei, oh and haha, someone who loves small, little, cute things and a great example would be kids or children.haha.
15. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
married and poor i guess, haha, i want a family. heh. But when you have a family, at least you have emotional suport to make you married and rich in the end?
16. How many children do you want to have, if any?
whoa real coincidental. But 3. haha. yup. mainly cos, like as my mum says, to have many kids as they can look out for each other when you die, and they can help the world in many ways. And i guess when you're old, if you nurture them properly, they will like, take care of you? but again yup, have to see who you're marrying in the first place.
17.What's better, to give or to receive?
most definitely give. haha. yup, better to give than receive.
18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
I will make sure i choose the right one. haha. but even so, i am a loyal person i guess.
19. What would you do if you (or your girlfriend) became pregnant unexpectedly?
mmm. see what we can do from there perhaps. but i will try to abstain from pre marital sex. haha. wanna wait till you're propelry legally married. Who knows before the day from your wedding day something unexpected happens. right? haha.
20. What are you waiting for right now?
well, waiting to work hard, i guess, so that i can enter mazarin year end and make myself proud. oh and erm, for promos to end, so that i can have fun again.
(woa tough one, cos all the potential ppl kenna tagged
-siong ge
-haha, or anyone who wants to do this quiz, just go ahead man, haha, no stopping or anything((:
okay, next one from kairu. haha.
1. The last person to tag you is...Kairu
2. Your relationship with him/her of my best-est friends from haising
3. Your first impression of him/her...crazy chem girl. haha. and awesomely funny. heh.
4. the most memorable thing he/she had done for you... to tell me to not to give up on vibrato for flute.
5. the most memorable thing that he/she had said to you... Dont give up, giving up is for losers.
6. if he/she become your lover, you will... Her boyfriend(kairu, hints hints, w_ _ _ _ _ _) will probably hamtam me, and it will turn out to be some love drama serial.
7. If he/she became your lover,things he/she has to improve on will be.. i dont want her to be my lover!
8. if he/she became your enemy,you will... use biology methods to like squeeze out her intestines and eyeballs, haha, wont use chem and phy cos she's taking it now. heheh.
9. if he/she became your enemy,the reason will be... I am certain, that me and her will never ever ever become enemies.
10. the most desired thing you want to do for him/her now... help her find a boyfriend, and teach her how to get him. haha.
11.your overall impression of him/her... funny
12. How you think people around you will feel about you... Great for inventing words.(xinyun, stop laughing at my ...worstest, dabianest, marikitariest... hahaha, rahhh.)
13. The character you love of yourself is... loyalty, being there for ppl?
14. On the contrary,the characters you hate of yourself are...being distracted on everything nowadays.
15. The most ideal person you want to be is… her.
16. For the people that care and like you, say something to them... you guys rock. manz. seriously. haha.
17.Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about[okay this is part of the quiz so i anyhow hamtam up 10 ppl arhh, haha, but if you guys dun wanna do the quiz, then dont bother.(:, and its not in any order]
1. xinyun
2. kejian
5.shi Jie
6.Wei jun
10.Wei siong
18. Who is no 6 having relationship with? RY!
19. is no 9 a male or female? female
20.if no 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. omgg. if that really happens.. someone's gonna kill manz.
21. What is no 2 studying about? Physics, computing, Econs, Math, GP, flute, love.
22. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?thursday with xinyun
23. What kind of music band does no 8 like? from JANG JANG to like, classical?
24. Does no 1 have any siblings? one elder brother
27. is no 4 single? yes, unless we consider H_ _ _ _ _
28. What is the surname of no 5? Chen
29. What’s the hobby of number 4?MUGMUGMUGMUGMUGMUG
30.does no 5 and 9 get along well? They dont really know each other i guess.
31. Where is no 2 studying at? tjc
32. Talk something casually about no 1... oh. flute goddess? and like, this awesomezzz section mate like, ive ever known since fiesta. haha.
33. Have you tried developing feelings for no 8? friendship, not gay.
34. Where does no 9 live at? bedok
35. Wad colour does no 4 like? -i dunno-
36. Are no 5 and 1 best friends? haha, not really, but section mates =)
37. Does no 7 like no 2? they dont know each other. but the only time they've met was during pae in the band room once.
38. How did you get to know no 2?! Through a random call i got whilst cycling along pasir ris park during december holidays.
39. Does no 1 have any pets? Chicken and kois!
40. is no 7 the sexiest person in the world? she shall answer that question on her own, and again, someone is perhaps gonna murder me.
ZOMG, THIS QUIZ IS SCARY. haha. woa. completed 2 quizzes alr. haha.
Okay back to blogging proper.
Event 1: On saturday, national day, the meeting with various groups

haha, that day, i didnt regretted 1 BIT on going to botanic gardens that day. We learnt alot of things that day, and that day, thanks to lili getting a wake up call, it helped us all wake up too. I guess, throughout the course, we got lost through everything with everyone tossing and pushing and turning us around, i guess, we finally got the clear aim of the proj. and im so proud of everyone in my group, well, thanks ky, sj, lh for that day. haha. i bet you guys also didnt regret right. haha. though everyone was grudgy in the morning, we still managed to like get there, listen to talks, and even hook us up with 2 more organisations. NUS and like, The blue water volunteers. haha, i feel confident and even excited to like complete the writtten report and the oral presentation with a bang. haha. and debby seems really on for us too((: haha i cant wait to learn diving, and i will the next time when on the trip with the hantu bloggers, DIVE. and im very sure we can do it, and lets get an A 105. lets do this thing. *shing jiuan's pw cheer* haha, LETS END OP WITH THE CHEER. HEH.
Event 2: sunday perf with musart.

Im somehow very lazy to blog alr. haha. but on stage i just felt really tired and numb to be scared. I just felt cold. haha. no one went to support in the end, but it's all right, at least i got the feeling on playing in the esplanade. haha. flute sounds did come out that day, though i scrweed up a bit for dragon king. haha. but the esplanade back stage is a REALLY REALLY BIG BIG PLACE. haha. and im really honoured and glad that i've had a look in there. also, ive made 2 new friends. like diana(the piccoloist) and nick(the nus flautist) thanks zh. haha. but anyhow, we had some fun that day too i guess, haha, but perhaps, this is the first time i played for musart, and i guess, perhaps, maybe the last? im not very sure, but xinhui, lihong toshikasa they all willl return. oh, and that day after the concert, the songs are still ringing heavily in my head. haha. awesome manz. haha. like andalusia, home and like dragon king. haha. I guess, my dream is still philharmonic winds. lets continue working hard till then..
lately, caught the nodame live series. and watched it till the end. and somehow, i dont mind rewatching it again, but i wont cos i dont have the time. it's touching, and it just somehow can relate myself to that drama series. i know somehwat perhaps, im a drama-mama person, but, i think that, it just somehow rocks. and somehow, it just made me fall in love with orch even more. and im damn surpirsed cos i use to think that orchestra music is for lullabies.when its not, hear the soaring sounds of the violins, or how the winds penetrate through that sound curtain of strings, its downright awesome. well, someday, i hope i can play beethoven's symphony no7 in A major with an orchestra someday, and perhaps, work hard on flute and solo with someband/orch someday. Who knows what the future might hold. perhaps, i feel like learning piano, and i feel like getting a teacher for flute to learn more. and perhaps, so many other things i wanna
a marine biologist, a teacher, a flautist in some orch/band, wow, what dreams to look forward to.
everyone, jiayou from now till promos all right. im very sure all of us can do it.
and xinyun, lets work hard to get into mazarin all rights. dont forget that dream, that once me, you and liot said before in PAE. jiayou.
perhaps, this weeklly thing might stop for a while, dont wanna use the com so often, lagging bad in my work already. and perhaps, i shall stop going online for a period of time. needa study.