weather: normal skies
6th July 2008
Music: Would you be there- xing fu shuang ren chuang (omg, this is my current blog song, haha, the lyrics are damn uber sweet, omg, haha. i shall sing this on my wedding dayyy. hahaha. =p)
OKAY. THIS POSTS IS PICTURES GALORE. haha. I bet you silent readers out there, haha. WHO BLOG HOPS MY BLOG WOULD BE VERY HAPPY. RIGHT CHERYL? RIGHT XINYUN? RIGHT FLORA? RIGHT WEI SIONG? hahahhaa. cos, my blog is always words words words words. hahaha. and finally, one posts that i shall let pictures do the talking. Again, this post is not in chronological order. it's the other way round.

event 1: JCTS results
okay. dad just bought me a new laptop, and recently, a lot of other cool new gadgets. Thank you so much papa. haha.(:. okay, and i organized my stuff in the computer. haha. okay, and i found this cool new picture. Omg, wouldn't it be so cool if we can escape to that waterfallplace. =///. oh manz. haha. okay. sighs. recently, we got back our jcts results. right now, there's only econs and gp left to get back. and, my results sucks. This is the first time i did so badly for any major exam. and i guess it's high time for reflection already. yups. apparently, family thinks im doing well in school? I duno. only mum knows. sighs. with bio and chem somewhere near 40%, math like 38/83, sighs, it's high time i reflect on what i've been doing. it's high time to change my study methods already. yup. like, practice better time management skills. yups. but so far, the only good result so far is chinese, which only left the compo to get back. I hope i didn't do too badly. so far, it's only section B, the oral and the listening compre, and all are so far not bad. So i hope that, the paper 2 will be better. Looks like jerm, it'shigh time to become more disciplined. though during the holidays i did study, But i guess it's high time i practice better time management skills. yups. and im only saving friday evenings to slack slack. Yups. JERMS, HERE GOES TO A WONDERFUL SEMESTER 2. AND EVERYONE ELSE OUT THERE WHO'VE PUT IN EFFORT FOR JCTS, LETS ALL JIAYOU AND CONTINUE WORK HARD HARD, AND LET'S PAWNZ PROMOS OKAY. haha. So goodbye mazarin project, Let's try for H3s at the year end promos. go jerms! you've created miracles in haising, so why not here in TJ. both flute and studies. let's go manz. =). and for swimming today, quite lan ler arhh, better go start training my hand strength. yups. it's been long since i've improved. D;.
event 2: PW MEETING
haha. woa. there was pw meeting yesterday, and the meeting was quite fine(:. heehee. 105 ROCKS TO MY MAX CORE. haha. we cam whorred. things for our project work are starting to fall in place and come together, Ican't wait to see the final product. haha. The pilot test at pulau tioman? OH YEAH. hahaha. I CANT WAIT.(:. hahahaha. oh boy! and i do hope mr ho can come along! weeeeee~ haha. okay. enjoy the pics. I LIKE THE FIRST ONE. IT'S RIGHT LIGHTING+). AND PICTURES DO MEAN LOTS TO ME. haha.

HAHAHHAA. I LOVE 105, 105 IS <3333/>18. hahahhaha. ZOMG. i love my group manz. LI HUI, KHEH YANG, SHING JIUAN AND MAY. YOU GUYS ALL ROCKS. hahaha. seriously, i can't wait to see the final product, and thankyou that i have such a rocking group. woa. it's either we are going to score really well or... mmm. so the extremes eh.ahahha. omg, those pictures are so nice. I can't wait for the one where may comes in, it will look so duper extremely nice.(:. haha. thank you 105. haha. and if you guys wanna know. THE other guy besides me is khehyang.h aha. The girl in grey sweater is LILI, or lihui(:. haha. the bubbly girl, is SJ, and i can't wait for MAY TO COME IN. hahahaha. omg. let's create a pw blog manz. hahaha. omg, and a shirt is coming up alr. haha. we're so on. tian arhh. I can't wait. Other than band/flutes, you guys are the ones keeping me too.(:. thank you 105. seriously, haha, i can't wait manz.(: yesterday was conducive yet not conducive, got things done, i wouldnt say a lot, but i wouldnt say very little too. haha. let's go 105. let's go manz. CODENAME SCUBA SCOVE.(:
EVENT 3: 4TH JULY, mama's bday, american independence day, A level chinese oral day, stomach cramp day
sighs. that day in school was chinese oral day. The topic was quite okay. i stumbled a bit, but other than that, I got a cheena guy as a tester. Every sentence i say, it's like mmm. mmm.. mmm. mmm. yeah lor. haha. and he was like when i finished ni ke yi zou lers. But he didnt asked if i have anymore things to say. Ah well. I hope for the best, cos before the oral, i can say like tons and tons of chinese. oh manz. sighs. Let's hope for the best. and good luck to everyone for their chinese orals. After chinese orals, I got a bit of stomach pain. and during band, was having stomach cramps(during band i didnt know, thought it was gastric or sth), and my tone was horribly airy. omg. the stomach cramps got worse when i went outta school. cos that day was mum's bday, we went out for dinner. dad fetched me home to shower and change. and my tummy hurts like hell. Mum gave me some medicine and helped me to press my hand(reflexology), the pain lessened thereafter. During dinner i had some meesua, while my family ate rice and stuff. and by the end of dinner, the pain subsided. I didnt bring along my specs that day, so like. grrr. everything was blur, dad brought the whole family out to the singapore flyer. yup. luckily, sis brought along her specs, her left eye degree is the same as my right. so i had to squint squint abit up there. THE THING IS DAMN ROMANTIC/ suited for lovers i tell you. haha. i plan to bring my gf there next time, tts if i will ever have time. haha. And dad is such a sweet husband. every year, mum's bday, he does something different for her and this year so happens to be the spore flyer. We were the last one to go up the flyer. Almost didnt made it, cos the thing closed at 10pm. yups. and like. luckily we were the last ones. we went to the cabin and headed up. On the way up, WE SUNG BDAY SONG FOR MAMA. hahaha. omg. it was so fun, to surpirse her. haha. I love suprises don't u. ah well. enough crappping. haha. you guys enjoy the pics(:.



and that ends my 4th July. yups. haha. happy bday mama(:. and here's to 1 year older yeah. haha.
Event 4: a trip down to pasir ris park
there was one day, wher ei can't remember which, but i remember that morning, okay, but that morning, mum scolded all of us in the morning as dion they all cant finish their work, but things seemed to be fine thereafter. we went to pasir ris park, and like from there, sharol, dion and mum went to the play area. same for me and natasha, but thereafter, both of us went to the side of the sea to like stay there a while. to like emo and stuff? i dunno. it was quite nice by the sea and i long to do that again with no worries and etc. anyway, that day turned out fine. you guys enjoy the pictures, they're quite nice really. haha. taken from my phone. yups
dinner at bedok and like, ended of the day. yups. so that day was kindda fine. cos i brought nat to somewhere near the lifesaving place, where we had our bronze cross. was quite fine. haha. so that marks the end of the day. yup.
to:___ and____
I think that, it's quite a waste to give it up don't you guys think? come on, everything that happens, be it good or bad, i guess it's all about perspective. You can view it as half full or half empty. Like eg, my jcts, when i first got back my results, i was feeling pretty down right horrible. right now, results sucks, and fluting sucks alot and has deterioriated alot from concert. But still, for studies, I can view it as like, sighs, lousy results i suck, or i can view it as, omg, lucky for all the study sessions with andrea, samuel, oliver, shawn, Or else i might have scored much much worse, and also thank you xy, cheryl and ws for all the study sessions. I can view it either or. Though my results are bad, there are some ppl who did worse. and seriously, i can choose to view it either or don't you think? like half full or half empty. so guys, you guys can try to like view matters from different perspectives? I guess, One says that the other breaks the promises everytime and that hurts? And the other says that the other isnt there for him/her when he/she needed him. But from a general view that i see, I still feel that, no matter what happens, both of you will always be there for each other don't you guys feel(:. come on, you both can make this thing work, jiayou both of you okay! seriously,don't ever think that the other party won't be there for you. Cos i guess, both of you will always be there for each other(:.
okay, im off to do math, flute, bio, pw. yups! and here goes to the rest of my 9,10 hours. haha. And you guys should know my blogging style ler laa. haha. I mean like, it's always 1 week 1 extremely long long post. yups. so wait for the next week okay(:. cya guys.