Weather: nice morning sky
17th May 2008
Music: god speed
Prelude 28.. 1 year after being inspired from how well tjcsb played during prelude 27. and now, im actually part of the concert, part of tj band. The tj band magic? is that what you call it? yeah. I think its magic. During the first running note of hans christians and those high B flats and A flats. I felt the magic. wowing the audience with an impressive start. was kindda cool. The concert was a blast. But the first half of the day was pretty unpleasant. I won't bother to mention anything anymore, cos, ya, nevermind. just ignore that line. During playing, it just felt weird playing, didnt really enjoy myself to the fullest. For the first half of the concert, I was using my miyazawa, and apparently that day, i dunno why, but it was posing problems for me. I dunno whether it was the flute or me. But for the 2nd half i used dion's altus. haha it was much more shuang to play with it that day i guess. stage band that day, everyone really put in their best. Im just really glad about that. cos all the late nights staying up, all the quarrels and stuff which caused me loads of trouble. yes, all worth it. I cant wait for the cd to be out, so that i can see the DVD. spirited away was the best piece that day i think. according to elliot, his hair stood up. haha. i love spirited away~ haha. for die it was okay, i guess. played piccolo for that piece, screwed up on the running notes. sianz.but i guess, it was okay. yeah. inn of sixth happiness, ya. iguess i did manage to hold a delicate B. yay. heart and voice was woosh. though screwed up a bit~.=/. oh well. okay. enough jabbering. lets see pictures then.

me and andy on the bus.
okay, then it was shi jie, cheryl and andy at VCH there. didn take any more photos until after prelude...
haha. yay. section picture. goshh. if only shi jie was there=/
22/08 bandits! hee. van and jing. yay. you guys are the best mannz.
Me, liot and xinyun. The original 3 i guess. I really really really really miss the times spent during pae. us 3. just us 3. from morning waitings, going to band room to slack slack. I really miss those times like crazy. at that time to esplanade, like amazing race like that. sighs. if only fate wouldnt be so cruel to separate us 3.(okay, sounds like some love tragedy.) haha. anyway, yeah. liot. mr saxophonist. i guess i will miss you dude.=/. miss you alot.

andy, xinyun and kj. on the left(haha, took this during fiesta also)
cheryl shi jie and me on the right.=)
Cheryl and xinyun. haha. YAY. J1 FLUTES. really enjoy being with j1 flutes manzz.
andy and kj.

Xinyun and andy
Andy and cheryl

another section pic!
haha. gosh. xinyun looks like some serial killer in this shot. haha. =p.
andy and me. gosh, dont i just look so unglam. okay. haha. andy toshikasa. my senior for how many years? 5 years? yeah. close to there. haha. thanks so much for all the support and encouragement you've given me yeah. haha. you really rock. haha. and aiya! some study psycho TOP SCIENCE STUDENT IN TJ person. EEE. haha. anyway. yeahhh. gonna miss all your crapping and the fun times we had yeahh. haha. if only i can gok your brain out and duplicate it like 100000 times. hahaha. oh well~ gosh. will miss you loads man.
kj and me. okay fine. I look unglam in this shot as well. thanks so much for the memories left dude. I guess, though many things have happened, im just some how glad that eveyrthing still managed to pull through. as i said, without you, I think i wouldnt even be in TJ in the first place. thanks so much for everything. though i dont show, really appreciate all the stuff that you do for the section yeah. will miss you too i guess. jia you on the As yeah flute god.

MEIMEI! omg. haha. me and michelle. haha. gosh. this shot is finally one that i at least look decent.=.=. haha. haha. michelle, thanks so much for always being there for me no matter what happens and standing by me and always asking whether im fine. haha, and thanks for always replying me when im bored during lectures/tutorials. haha. you rock mann my dearest mei. haha. It's really a blessing to have you as a sister i guess. haha. =). thanks so much meimei for all the wonderful stuff that you've left me with. haha. guess i cya round in band someday!

CHERYLLLLL~~ =DD. haha. I look decent in this shot too. yay. gosh. my camera arhh . da bian. wanna throw temper with me on that day. =.=. haha. Cheryl is. a really really strong girl and a wonderful piccoloist. haha. that reminds me! YAY. the 2 piccoloists of the band. haha. oh well~ cheryl plays flute and piccolo well i guess. haha. and she's always there for you when you need her i guess. haha. thanks so much cheryl for being my setion mate. haha. CHEERS TO 1 MORE WHOLE YEARR OF SECTION. haha. goshh. and yay! in this shot i wax-ed my hair. haha. dont worry, shall wax it as often as i can yeah cheryl^^. haha. cya round in schooL!

FLOSTER/FLORA. haha. haha. heyhey flora. goshh. thanks so much for the gifts yeah. haha. it's really been great meeting you. haha. both of our aspirations, bass clarinet goddess and the flute shaolin. we will achieve it someday okay! haha. lets work hard together. theres a saying that goes, i was walking in the forest. 2 paths emerged and i took the one less travelled. haha. lets work hard okayy! next prelude! lets us both do solos! haha. yay! go flora!
snowball! haha. jiejie. haha. wee~ okayy. snowball is a talented oboeist/snare drummer. haha. okay. when we both come together, one thing you can expect is CRAZINESS. hahah. i wont forget all the crazy stuff that we did too snow ball! haha. and for a girl who plays only 2 years on the oboe! you are realy really cool mann! haha. 36. haha. our favourite bus number! haha. oh well! haha. cya round in band snow ball! you rock! haha.
MRS CHUA'S BAND CLANNNN. haha. gosh. gotta forward this shot to mrs chua someday mann. haha. gosh. my camera took a lousy picture=.=. stupid,. why throw temper with me that day. nvm. haha. meng jit's blog got a clearer shot. hahaha. wee~ goshh. mrs chua band ppl. gosh, we've made it thus far already. lets all continue working hard manzz. hahahaha.
Cheryl and kj.
xinyun and kj. aiyo arhh. everytime help they 2 take picture arhh. always turns out nice. haha. okay. bhb. but yeah. nvm. the osaka one is N-I-C-E-R. haha.
WE toook lots of section pictures too that day.

star formation. haha.

random sitting on the sofa

okay. dunno whats up with this cool windy shot thingy.

but this one is much much clearer. haha. yay. flutes.

okay. blurred shot again


and clear. haha. wonder what is andy looking at.

me and xinyun. gosh. xinyun. haha. FLUTE GODDESS A.K.A ST NICK'S FLAUTIST. haha. really really really really glad to have her as a section mate mann. haha. been with me since fiesta already. haha. thanks so much for always being there for me too xinyun. no matter what happens, you're another one which always stand by my side. be it flute, events or anything. haha. really hope to learn more on the flute from you. gosh the support concept. sighs. so shi bai. nvm. haha. cheers to many more years of friendship. haha. and the promise that i made, to attain the flute shaolin status by syf next year! haha. nvm laa. st nicks flautist. haha. oh well! jiayou jia you.

OG 11 SHOT. haha. okay. fine. without jolene and audrey. haha. sighs blurred but nevertheless.^^.

Jesssica and charlene. ahhaa. thanks you both too for the gifts and stuff. hahaha. yayy! you both rock too yeah. the only double bassist. and the french hornist. haha.

haha. okay. this shot was damn random. but yeah. haha. at least i captured the twins in this shot. haha. phantom and raoul. p.s. I think im hotter than you. haha. oh well. bao hui and yishu are in the shot too.

Gerald and me. haha. yeah. gerald rocks too! haha. really really good hard worker under props. haha. wonderful trumpter too!

XINYU! haha. thanks for always sms-ing us when we're down and stuff. haha.r eally look forward to hearing a trombone solo from you soon yeah!
----------------------------end of part 1 of post-------------------------------------------
part 2, so after concert, band kindda settled down. back to school life. haha. really enjoyed time spent with 22/08. but one thing for sure is that, last week, was all about distractions in class. ya. couldnt even concentrate much. haha. but nevertheless, last band prac was sc tryouts.
that day, xinyun was feeling damn jittery and i was trying to calm her down and tell her that she can do it. I was in the canteen to her and tlaking to her about stuff. But then in the band room, we all settled down. I was kindda looking forward to all the student conductors of j1 batch conduct and i happily took my flute and sat there. then suddenly, i was being called out to conduct as well. i was like HARR?! NO WAYY. OMG. no way. me?! I'VE GOT NO CONDUCTING EXPERIENCE MANZZ. AND ME?! HURRR. OMGG. Im freaking screwed.
so all the j1s who got selected went out. then like. yeah. all sat there, other than me, xinyun and grace, the rest all had conducting experience. haha. everyone was feeling jittery,a nd i didnt wanna go in. cos i had no experience AT ALL. waited. and didnt know what i was doing anyway. anyway, that day i was sick as well and was planning to go home. when i found out that xinyun was even sicker and that she was going, felt really guilty. haha. so, yeah. still went. aiyo. then had this thing. anyway. when it was my turn, was shaking my head all the way till i went up. i felt freakishly stupid while i was up there. despite that, haha. yeah was my first time actually conducting a band=.=. haha. other than sectionals in haising, which was mainly clapping hands=.=. anyway, movements were really broad. and like, everyone was laughing. and arhh, yeah. during the last part of robin hood and with heart, screwed up. haha. nvm. but it was fun conducting anyway. it;s really a whole new perspective from the band up there. mmm. but i did notice that a lot of ppl were looking at their scores. haha. oh well~. and arhh. thanks arhh. thanks ______. for laughing so hard till you can tear. haha. anyway. yeah. it was quite and experience laa. haha. nvm. mmm. really hope that we can have good scs for syf yeah.kwangyi, rachel, bao hui? yeah. they're all really good i think. haha. jia you manzz.
------------------------end of post part 2------------------------------------
to: you. gosh. can you like for once, trust the group. like COME ONNNN. you've gotta have trust to make this thing work mann. without trust, we're gonna flunk this thing. for once, yeah come on. just TRUST US. argh.
sighs. for once, im finding myself to become more self centred, more clingy, more. yeah. i dunno why. sometimes when i reflect on things that i do on impulse, sometimes i feel so freakishly stupid. many a time when i know im gonna act on impulse. i would normally be able to stop myself. until sometimes, it just reaches a point when you cannot ren anymore and just resolve to acting on impulse. die. self centred-ness. something that i will never ever wanna be. yet slowly and unknowingly, im becoming more self centred. die. nvm. have to reflect sometimes i guess. and for clingy, gosh. the horrors of sec 2. nvm. I shall not mention it out.
anyway. FRIDAY WAS A HAPPY DAYYY~ wee. haha. chem spa, i did get n=7. and i finished my lab report early. haha. for ocne, im actually looking forward to getting back chem spa. haha. and the best part is, it's counted for A levels. haha. and i got back several tests. and for once i passed my gp compre. haha. yayness. and my chinese listening compre got full marks as well. It's been long. really really long since i felt happy over academics. lately, it's all about flunking, failing and being depressed. that reminds me, i've gotta wear specs from now on. both eyes, the guy said both eyes degrees went up by 25 deg. so that means, no more right perfect eye sight to depend on. my right eye is like 25 deg and my left 275.=(. oh well. and ot think that when i was young, wearing specs is cool. =.= i miss my perfect eye sight. sianzz. its DUPER MA FAN wearing specs. sighs. lesson learnt: never ever depend so much on onething and that, never take things for granted. mum nagging me to wear specs like everyday even though i can depend on my right which was lazy eyes. gosh.
ANYWAY, THERES LONG WEEKEND. WEEEEEE. haha. morrow is chloe's first year bday. i cant wait to see them again manzz. they are the only 2 which ALWAYS no matter how makes me happy mann. i really cant wait. goshh. hahaa that little pearl=). oh well. cya guys round. REALLY LONG POST yeah haha. cya! off to school for pw.=.=