weather: sunny~
24th May 2008
music: friends.
hahaha. zomgg. this blog arhh. haha. i guess i can't update everyday laa. haha. nvm. shall just post up on the highlights of the week.(:
1st event/highlight: Chloe's bdayy-
haha. woosh. that day was sweet. damn sweet mann.the day started with swimming. haha. goshh. timing was taken. haha. manzz. im happy laa. haha. managed to keep my standard at goldstar standard. haha. with a timing of 2 min 22 secs for 2 laps. goshh. standard dropped laa. haha. used to swim like abuot 2 mins there. hahaa. but oh well! anyway, i havent went for swimming for 2-3 weeks lers. haha. so yeahhh! it's kindda cool laa. haha. bronze cross and AM. holiday. goshh arhh. stress. nvmm. so close. to that life guard post. hahaha. AND WHEN I BECOME LIFE GUARD during the holidayss. zomgg. SO FUNNN. can like sit there kiao ka, blow whistle ask this person stop this stop that. haha. then earn moneyy~ hahaha. but aiya, what's the use. when something really happens arhh. haha. stress sia. haha. but oh well. I wanna become a teacher when i grow up manzz. senior teacher or something. haha. see howw! haha. but anyway. yeahh. then met neng thereafter to study. haha. studying that day was quite productive i guess. haha. really. taught him mitosis while he taught me redox. and we went through each other's notes. haha. then i like took train from bedok all the way down to senja(chua chu kang). haha. Goshhh. then i read some notes on the way there. and that day. I kindda experienced the power of attraction. as in. i knew the force was there with me that day. felt it damn strongly. mmm. but oh wells. anyway.a haha. I FINALLY GOT TO SIT LRT. hahahah~ woosh. haha. LRT is like the old changi airport sky train. goshh. i miss that sky train like crazy laa. ahahha. sorry arhh. haha. with my obsession over trains. haha. have been liking trains ever since young laa. haha. so anyway, yeahh. then aiya, when ireached their house arhh. sianzz. cut cake over lers. haha. but nevertheless i got to play with jovan and chloe~~ haha. chloe's first year bday. hahaa. zomgg. haha. goshh. if only time can let me stay with them slightly longer. haha. dad wants to see grandad. But it's all right i guess. grandad does mean the same to me as chloe and jovan. haha. anyway..

haha. zomgg. cute rightttt. hahahaha. when i got there, was playing mostly with chloe laa. haha. goshh. she loves cooking toys arhh. haha same as natasha. haha. maybe all pig year girls love cooking toys for cho family. hahaha. goshhhh. they are really like damn uber cute laa. hahaa. and wooshh. there's gonna be swimming again with them. haha the last time when only jovan was around, it was damn uber fun laa. haha you guys can go jermboi and see. wooshhhh~ hahah. i think it's june 06 archive there. hahaa. zomgg. haha. really really hope it will come soon. woosh. haha. oh wells. so that's all for jovan and chloee. arghh. will miss them till the next time i see them. hahahaha.
haha. the 2nd pw meeting that our group have ever had. SO FUNNNN. WEEEE~ haha. zomggggg. so cooool. hha. that meeting was damn fun and somewhat productive. haha. and all of us behaved like the temperature-enzyme graph. haha. there was one point when all of us damn concentrated. then after that arhh. all of us fell asleep. hahaha.

haha. ky on the com.
then theres shing jiuan and li hui sleeping. haha. try spotting them! haha. goshh. may had to meet her father so she couldnt come. haha. it was really fun laa really. haha. our group, i can say, that working slowly and solidly. haha. Im really glad. haha. and like all of us are like learning to understand each other more i guess. haha. GO GROUP 105. goshh. I will look forward to almost every pw meeting from now on manzz. haha. so funnn! haha. that reminds me. hha. during the point when we got distracted, we found MR HO'S BLOGG. hahahah. so funn. haha. aiya, i am like damn freaking sad. hahaha. oh well. cos mr ho and mr aulia are both gonna go already.):. we had a farewell party on the last double period on thursday. haha. AND GOSHH. MR HO FOUND MY BLOGG. haha. gosh arhh. then he said that all my posts are long. hahaa. nvm. haha. my favourite line, no wait, the class favourite line.
"eh eh talk somemore talk somemore!"
hahaha. so fun laa. haah. then when we revealed we found his blogg. then he was like asking how we find it one laa. haha. but mr ho is uber nice laa. will miss him alot. like, damn nice to like gimme one to one tutoring. haha. then we sortta talked about NS, econs and stuff. haha. somewhat now, im less scared of entering army now laa. haha. am glad. (:. haha. goshh. why can't good econs teachers like mr ho and miss wong continue teaching us manzz. sighs. oh well. haha. i will really really really miss him alot manzz.:'(. haha. oh wells.
haha. and here is one pic that me and jess took during concert forget to post it up. that time wei siong was uber nice to send me all the concert pics he took for me. but my irritating sis had to go and delete all the "my received files" before i can upload it. walan. dabian. okay. im sianned. =/

haha. yesterday was fun. real fun. haha. i've never been so uber high. for a really really really reallyr eallyr eallyr eallyre ally really really really really really really really really long time already. haha. yesterday was SO MUCH FUNNN. haha. and flute ensemble was okay i guess. haha screwed up a bit but.haha. nevertheless, the carnival was so fun. haha. like our section had loads of fun. haha. let the pictures tell you the day baas!

haha. kj and a guy in tj skirt. haha. got us laughing like mad. haha.

haha. section pic. A funn and nicely taken section pic. haha. wee~

haha. kj and andy. hahaah. goshh. i was saying that the caption of this picture should be "my dear.." haha. but oh well. no laa. hahaha. just cam whoring around. hahaha.

section shot number 2. haha. this one is uber nice too manzz. hahaah.

Cheryl and charlene. haha. XD.

okay. there's this balloon person thing that day there. hahah. then right. haha you can see andy, me, xy and cheryl holding his hand. haha. and kj and luther. hahaha. goshh. you see where they are sitting. zomggggg. hahaha. nvmm you guys close up then go see. hahahaha!

haha. more fun with the thingg~

xinyun and nick. haha. the mime thing was uber cool~

Andy and the skirt guy again. hahahaa.
okayy. yeahh. but we had so much fun laa. haha. and in the audi, we were apparently shouting all our section members names + wei siong. hahaha. then like before guitar perform, we were shouting like GO XINYUN! haha. or GO KJ! or GO ANDY! hahaha. and, apparently that day we went crazy with balloons. haha. the rock band that elliot was in was uber cool too.
hahaha, goshh too bad this event happens once every 2 years. haha. it's so much fun laa. hahaa.
goshh. as mr ho puts it, the thing that you will miss most is your friends and your pdp. haha..
oh well. haha i gotta go offline lers. hahaa. cya guys mannzz. gonna catch up on some work. haha. cya.