Weather: grey skies
11th June 2008
Music: s.o.s-jonas brothers.
haha. yesterday's study session was okay! but the first day one was better. haha. I guess, I was more distracted. sighs. caught a fever, went up to 38.1 degrees, but better than that time which went up to 40. mmm. haha. today was supposed to go ice skating with kairu, mei yee, pei shi, hui hui they all. but sighs, apparently, cos of it, i can't go. D:. siannz. ARGH. manz. irritating. the fever has subsided alr. I think, the current temp at 36.7. haha. enzyme's optimum temperature. so yup!
haha. oh yeahh
to: A, B
i wanna dedicate the song "accidentally in love" to you ppl manz. hahaha.
To: B
I wanna dedicate the song" the chosen" to you manz.
hahahaha. you know who you are. haha.
anyway, I shall show you guys something
haha. on the first day,everyone survived and stayed strong, and on the second day. let's see what happened... there are only 3 participants left, jerm, xy and wei siong.

omg. as you guys can see, he's beat. real beat, real tired. ta-da sleeping at macs. omgg. his energy is running low! ZOMGG. HE MIGHT NOT MAKE IT. ZOMGG. HOW HOW HOW. omg. HOW IS HE GOING TO SURVIVE DAY 3. OMG OMG OMG. WEI SIONG'S ENERGY LEVEL--> (if you guys played pokemon, when a pokemon battles, right now, wei siong's energy is when the energy bar is at the red portion) omgg. let's hope he survives day 3!
hahaha. okay laa okay laa. Im kidding. (:. haha. this picture was taken at the end part of our studying session when siong has read finish his stuff and like everything laa. haha(:. so as you guys can see pictures are not as reliable as it seems. hahaha.(:. but really, wei siong has studied alot k =). haha. and he taught us alot of stuff manzzz. (:
china studies and math. hahaha. zomg. xinyun that day was mainly concentrating laa. haha. though at one point of time, she got kindda distracted over hua chi-ing. hahahaa.but still, she's staying focused yeah.. =D. haha.
hahaha. CHEM CHEM CHEM. haha. and math also laa. haha. gosh, look darn serious in this picture. but as i said, hahaha, PICTURES AIN'T RELIABLE MANZ. haha. during the studying session, I was the most distracted one laa. haha. even though i concetrated at times, hahaha. but still yups!
zomgg., studying sessions with them are soooo uber duper fun =D. haha. I can't wait for the one coming up again! =D. haha. and friday's section studying. haha. wonder whos going. mmm. =). haha
morrow's pw group meeting. gosh. ahha. jiayou 105. =)